新浪財經訊 12月19日消息,螞蟻金服今日宣布,全面提速全球化、內需、科技三大戰略。即日起,胡曉明接任螞蟻金服CEO,向井賢棟匯報,井賢棟繼續擔任螞蟻金服董事長。
今年是阿里巴巴成立20周年,也是支付寶成立15周年。從15年前推出擔保交易機制解決淘寶網買賣雙方不信任的問題開始,到現在用區塊鏈技術在內的新技術,解決信任這個難題。15年來,我們一直跟“信任”這個人類社會問題死磕,我們相信,用數字技術解決好這件事,就能極大地降低商業領域的信任成本,幫助“讓天下沒有難做的生意” 這件事越來越接近現實。
Dear Ant Fellows,
This year marks the 20th anniversary of Alibaba Group as well as Alipay’s 15th anniversary. Starting from the introduction of escrow transaction service to build the trust between buyers and sellers on Taobao 15 years ago, to the application of new technology such as blockchain, we have been focused on overcoming the challenge presented by lack of trust. Over the past 15 years, we have been in a contest with building “trust” but we believe that by using digital technology to solve for this challenge, we will significantly lower the associated costs for doing business. It will take us one step closer to fulfilling the mission to “make it easy to do business anywhere”.
As Alibaba and Ant’s business become increasingly globalized, we have come to appreciate the tremendous opportunity and demand that is out there. Demand for digital technology from consumers and small businesses alike in many countries is significantly stronger than what was imagined. Addressing these unmet demands and helping them create new value is an opportunity for Alibaba and Ant under the backdrop of the ongoing technology revolution. We will take on this challenge with courage and conviction!
Following careful consideration, I am pleased to announce the following appointments, effective immediately:
1. The future market potential of our globalization strategy has far exceeded our imagination and, as such, I need to dedicate more of my time and energy towards this priority. Ant International business group, Smart Technology business group, HR, Finance and Strategic Investments will report directly to me in my role as Executive Chairman of Ant Financial. Angel ZHAO (Zhixue) will assume new role as President of Ant Financial International business group, and provide full support to me to drive globalization agenda. Douglas FEAGIN will serve as Co-President of Ant Financial International business group, with responsibility for international strategic partnerships, strategic investments, Glocal governance and post-investment management, as well as development of credit technology and products in international markets.
2. Simon HU (Sunquan) will assume responsibility as CEO of Ant Financial. Alipay business group, Digital Finance business group, CTO division, CMO division, Safety & Security division, Smart Customer Funds unit, Risk Management unit, Customer Services & Rights Protection unit, and other enabling platform divisions will report to Simon. As a veteran of Alipay, founder of Ant credit loans for small and micro business, and instrumental leader at Alibaba Cloud, Simon will lead the team and our business to the next level by focusing on meeting the growing domestic demand in China, helping more service industries to engage in successful digital transformation and development. His limitless passion, outstanding leadership and wealth of technology commercialization experience makes him the perfect leader for Ant at this important juncture. Simon will continue to directly report to me.
3. CHENG Li (Lusu) will no longer serve as Ant Financial CTO and Ant Financial International business group COO. He will assume new role as Alibaba Group CTO. We are grateful to Lusu for establishing Ant’s world-class leading technology infrastructure, and leading the International team to achieve important strategic breakthroughs. We are proud that he will be taking on bigger challenges! HU Xi (Axi) will assume responsibility as Ant CTO, reporting to Simon. As Deputy Chairman of the Alibaba Technology Committee, Lusu will also provide guidance to Axi. As a representative of the company management team who is born in the 1980s, we hope to see Axi assume even greater responsibility in the future.
Ant Fellows, the only thing certain about the future is that nothing remains certain. But no matter what happens, trust makes everything simple. We see because we believe. Let us work together to create a brighter future!
Eric Jing
Executive Chairman of Ant Financial