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穆迪投資者服務公司是提供信用評級、研究報告以及風險分析的知名機構。穆迪的堅定承諾和專業知識為金融市場的透明度和整體性作出了積極貢獻。穆迪對債務進行評級及分析, 覆蓋逾135個主權國家/地區、約5,000家非金融企業發行人、4,000家金融機構發行人、18,000家公共融資發行人、11,000項結構融資交易和1, 000家基建及項目融資發行人。穆迪投資者服務公司是穆迪公司 (紐約證交所代碼:MCO) 的子公司。穆迪公司2018年收入為44億美元, 全球員工約10, 900人, 在44個國家/地區設有辦事處。
Moody's Investors Service
Moody's Investors Service is a leading provider of credit ratings, research, and risk analysis. Moody's commitment and expertise contributes to transparent and integrated financial markets. The firm’s ratings and analysis track debt covering more than 135 sovereign nations, approximately 5,000 non-financial corporate issuers, 4,000 financial institutions issuers, 18,000 public finance issuers, 11, 000 structured finance transactions, and 1,000 infrastructure and project finance issuers. Moody's Investors Service is a subsidiary of Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO), which reported revenue of $4.4 billion in 2018, employs approximately 10,900 people worldwide and maintains a presence in 44 countries.
中國平安保險 (集團)股份有限公司
中國平安保險 (集團)股份有限公司于1988年誕生于深圳蛇口, 為我國三大綜合金融集團之一, 在《福布斯》“全球上市公司2000強”中名列第7位;在美國《財富》世界500強名列第29位。中國平安致力于成為國際領先的科技型個人金融生活服務集團, 堅持“科技引領金融, 金融服務生活”的理念, 持續深化“金融+科技”、探索“金融+生態”, 并深度應用于“金融服務、醫療健康、汽車服務、房產金融、城市服務”五大生態圈, 為客戶創造“專業, 讓生活更簡單”的品牌體驗, 向股東提供長期穩定的價值回報。
Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. was established in Shekou, Shenzhen, in 1988. Ping An has grown into one of the three major integrated finance conglomerates in China. Ping An ranked 7th in the Forbes Global 2000 list and ranked No. 29 in the Fortune Global 500 list. Ping An endeavors to become a world-leading technology-powered retail financial services group upholding the belief of“technology-powered financial services for a better life”, continues to deepen“finance + technology”and explore“finance + ecosystem”. Ping An applies innovative technologies to five ecosystems, i.e. financial services, health care, auto services, real estate services, and smart city services, aims to provide customers with the excellent experience of“expertise makes life simple”, and secures long-term stable returns for shareholders.
碧桂園一直致力于為追求美好生活的人提供好房子, 好社區。20多年來, 作為新型城鎮化和鄉村振興的身體力行者, 以打造民生地產為己任, 碧桂園已為超過1200個城鎮帶來現代化的城市面貌。高科技的應用, 讓碧桂園成為了綠色生態智慧建筑的建造者, 碧桂園首創立體分層現代都市建筑——森林城市, 被《福布斯》評為“影響世界未來的5座城市”之首。
如今, 有超過400萬業主選擇在碧桂園安居樂業。進入工業4.0的時代, 隨著建筑機器人的加入, 碧桂園以工匠精神反復推敲的高性價比房子, 在安全、美觀、經濟、適用和耐久上將得到全面提升。高科技打造的智慧社區, 讓碧桂園始終保持世界一流的小區服務水平。碧桂園項目會一直是所在城市的亮麗風景線和名片:園林景觀、生活廣場使當地人民流連忘返, 會所、物業服務令人生活舒適、安全。
碧桂園積極投身智能制造, 發展科學技術。科學技術是第一生產力, 智能制造大有可為。作為一家擁有近20萬名員工, 1000多名博士的企業, 碧桂園投入巨資, 建機器人谷, 延請頂尖人才, 做好孵化器, 成立研發團隊, 把最先進的科研成果轉化成實用又物美價廉的高科技產品, 讓人們的生活更美好, 助力國家科技進步, 造福全人類。
碧桂園發展現代農業, 振興鄉村。碧桂園引入先進的農業生產技術、設備, 同時利用機器人研發優勢, 布局農業全產業鏈, 并通過對碧桂園的社區及全社會進行零售, 與農民共享現代農業發展的紅利, 幫助農民增收致富, 同時以較低的價格, 為每一個家庭生產和提供安全、好吃、實惠、豐富的農產品及常用生活用品。
碧桂園“希望社會因碧我們的存在而變得更加美好”。精準扶貧和鄉村振興也是碧桂園的主業之一。為此, 碧桂園不懈創造社會價值和經濟價值。立業至今, 碧桂園創始人及集團累計參與社會慈善捐款已超55億元, 并主動承擔起全國9省14縣的精準扶貧和鄉村振興工作, 正幫助33.6萬農村貧困人口脫貧致富。
作為一家自2007年就已在香港上市的恒生指數成分股公司、世界五百強企業, 碧桂園在2018年的納稅額已超625億元人民幣。作為一家有良心、有社會責任感的陽光企業, 碧桂園將為人類社會的進步而不懈努力。
Country Garden is a diversified technology company that creates lifestyle products for global markets.
It provide quality homes and communities to everyone who aspires to a better life.Over the past two decades, Country Garden has been a force for new urbanization and rural revival.They have helped modernize over 1,200 towns throughout China by delivering residential real estate for quality of life.Technology is at the heart of what They do.They have embraced green construction and smart building technologies.In their Forest City development, they have created a new concept in integrated, multi-layered urban planning.This huge project was named the first of“five new cities that are set to shake up the future”by Forbes.
Today, over 4 million homeowners choose to live in Country Garden developments. In this Industry 4.0 era, They combine robotic technologies with fine craftsmanship to offer homeowners outstanding value, with ongoing improvements in safety, design, affordability, functionality, and durability. They employ intelligent technologies to build smart communities and maintain world-class levels of residential services. Country Garden projects are constantly the major attractions in the cities They support, and They often become the iconic image that represents a city. their urban gardens and shopping plazas are a magnet for local residents, while their amenities and management services provide unparalleled convenience and security.
They push back the boundaries of technology by investing in smart manufacturing. New technologies are vital to productivity and the potential for smart manufacturing is enormous. With 200,000 employees, including more than 1,000 PhDs, Country Garden is making massive investments in technology, including the Robotics Valley. They bring in the top robotics professionals and provide them with the incubator services they need. This has brought together a strong R&D team that can turn new research into functional, affordable and cutting-edge products. They are raising living standards, boosting China's technology sector, and playing their part in human progress.
They're revitalizing rural China with modern agriculture. Country Garden has made investments in advanced agricultural technologies and machinery, which are integrated with their own strengths in robotics to improve the entire supply chain and to produce a wide selection of safe, tasty, and affordable foods and household products. Through their own sales network, these products reach families in their communities and across China, so that their residents can access affordable fresh food, and farmers can reap the full commercial benefits, with bigger harvests and bigger profits.
They are committed to making the world a better place for having us in it. For us, targeted poverty alleviation programs and rural revitalization are key parts of their business. Country Garden is always looking for ways to combine business value with social value. Country Garden and its founder have donated over 5.5 billion yuan to charitable causes. They are actively engaged in targeted poverty relief and rural revitalization projects in 14 counties across 9 different provinces. These programs are helping to lift 336,000 people out of poverty.
Country Garden is a Fortune 500 company that has been publicly listed in Hong Kong since 2007 and is tracked as a component of the Hang Seng Index. They are also a major taxpayer:in the year 2018 alone, They contributed over 62.5 billion yuan in taxes. In Country Garden, ethics, corporate social responsibility, and transparency are vital. Going forward, They are committed to being a force for human progress.
Country Garden – Five-star living for you.
新浪財經是目前中國最有影響力的財經資訊及互聯網金融服務平臺。日瀏覽量逾3億人次, 覆蓋中國1億股民, 是全球華人投資者首選的網絡平臺, 以報道快速、全面、客觀、專業一直引領中國互聯網財經媒體行業。
新浪財經在業內首創7*24小時滾動直播, 深度挖掘業內信息, 覆蓋銀行、券商、保險、基金、房產等領域, 行業重大事件等, 強勢聚焦美英日德等全球主要20個國家和地區, 布局紐約、倫敦、東京、上海、香港等金融中心, 實時洞察行業動態, 第一時間獲取新聞進展, 報道力量覆蓋全球。在移動化時代, 新浪財經客戶端用戶數領先, 中高消費水平用戶占比領先, 始終位于財經資訊類客戶端首位。
新浪財經聚焦優質的原創報道及深度的專欄資源, 通過原創熱點策劃營銷及衍生項目活動營銷, 強化產經影響力, 幫助品牌打造財經行業深度影響力。新聞報道密集、全面, 是記錄事件最詳實平臺, 現象級報道頻出, 影響事件走向。是中國第一家現場報道巴菲特股東大會的媒體, 截止2019年, 已成功報道10屆。在垂直領域深耕, 奠定行業影響力中國十大經濟年度人物成為全國最頂尖的經濟人物評選、銀行業論壇成為業界公認最具影響力的銀行業活動、金麒麟論壇是最具戰略高度的財經論壇, 匯聚財經界權威的政商學界專家。
新浪財經還擁有強大的資源矩陣, 聚集國內外一流的經濟學家, 打造眾多王牌欄目, 對話和傾聽最高端最具知名度的財經人物, 關注新時代的新型商業模式和行業先鋒人物, 聽聽他們對商業、創新、投資和其他熱點話題的看法。
新浪財經十余年來, 深耕財經互聯網領域, 以專業的態度和獨特的視角在行業內獨樹一幟, 見證了中國金融行業的發展, 也始終引領著財經互聯網的發展方向。新浪財經始終以富有公信力的報道和多元的行業資源, 往往能引發影響整個財經行業的連鎖反應。
Overview of Sina Finance
Sina Finance is now the most influential Internet-based financial news and service platform in China. It is the first-choice online platform of Chinese investors worldwide with a daily traffic of 300 million and coverage of 100 million Chinese stock investors. They always lead the Internet financial media industry in China with their quick, comprehensive, objective and professional reporting with credibility.
For more than 10 years, Sina Finance has always taken root in the financial Internet area and stood out with professional attitude and unique perspective. Sina Finance is the creator of 7*24 rotating live news in the industry and explores in depth industry information covering banking, securities, insurance, fund, real estate, other professional areas and material events in the industry. their news reporting is intensive and comprehensive. They often report events that create a unique phenomenon in the industry and often influence the trend of these events as the platform that records financial events in the greatest detail.
They focus on 20 countries and regions in the world, including USA, Britain, Japan and Germany, and watch New York, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong and other financial centers. They cover the entire world with their reporting team, eye industrial dynamics in a real-time manner and obtain news dynamics at the first opportunity. Sina Finance is the first media that has reported Warren Buffett's general meeting of shareholders on the site in China. Until 2019, They have successfully reported 10 meetings.
In the mobile Internet era, Sina Finance takes the lead in terms of number of client users and ratio of medium and high-spending users, and always ranks atop financial news clients.
Meanwhile, Sina Finance reinforces the capacity to cover industrial and economic areas and helps brands establish the profound influence in the financial industry by means of high-quality original report, in-depth column restheirces, original marketing for hot spots and derived project marketing. At the same time, They also attack the vertical area. China Top 10 Economic Persons of the Year, which has established the influence in the industry, has become the top-ranking economic person rating event in China, Sina Finance Banking Forum has grown into the most influential banking event generally accepted in the industry, and Sina Golden Kirin Forum is the financial forum with the greatest strategic height. These events assemble authoritative political and financial experts with the mission to change China with thought.
Sina Finance also boasts a poTheyrful intelligence restheirce network and gathers the first-class economic experts at home and abroad. Hosting a matrix of popular columns, They talk with and listen to the most influential financial and economic persons, watch emerging business models and industry vanguards in the new time, and hear and communicate their unique views and insights into business, innovation, investment and other hot topics.
商道融綠是專注于提供環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 評級及信息服務、綠色債券評估認證、責任投資和綠色金融咨詢與研究等服務的專業機構。同時, 商道融綠也為政策制定提供建議。商道融綠是中國責任投資論壇 (China SIF) 的發起機構, 始終致力于倡導建設負責任的中國資本市場。
2019年11月, 商道融綠獲得穆迪少數股權投資。公司將與穆迪攜手研發開創性的ESG解決方案。
- 聯合國責任投資原則 (UN PRI) 簽署機構
- 中國金融學會綠色金融專業委員會理事單位
- 中國責任投資論壇 (China SIF) 發起單位
- 國內首家氣候債券標準認可的評估認證機構
- 首屆國際資本市場 (ICMA) 綠色/社會債券原則顧問委員會委員
- 中國銀行間市場交易商協會會員
- 英國綠色投資銀行 (UK Green Investment Bank) 認證咨詢公司
SynTao Green Finance (STGF) is a leading consultancy providing professional services in ESG data, green bond assurance, and other responsible investment and green finance areas. SynTao Green Finance initiated China Social Investment Forum (China SIF) in 2012, dedicated to promote a responsible capital market in China. With its analytics and consulting service, SynTao Green Finance facilitates its clients in developing green finance solutions, mitigating ESG risks, seizing green business opportunities, and to create a sustainable future.
In November 2019, Moody's Corporation acquired a minority stake in SynTao Green Finance. As our investor, Moody's will partner with us to develop innovative ESG solutions.
SynTao Green Finance is:
- A signatory to the UN supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
- A founding member of the Green Finance Committee (GFC) of China Society of Finance and Banking
- The first China based Climate Bonds Standard (CBS) approved verifier
- A member of the first Advisory Council of the Green Bond Principles and Social Bond Principles launched by International Capital Markets Association (ICMA)
- A member of the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII)
- A certified consulting agency for UK Green Investment Bank in China