郭沛源博士對中國綠色信貸政策與綠色金融發展有深入研究,是中國金融學會綠色金融專業委員會理事、聯合國貿發會議(UNCTAD)會計準則專家組可持續性報告舉措咨詢小組成員、擔任全球報告倡議組織(GRI)利益相關方委員會委員、亞洲可持續投資協會(ASrIA)顧問委員會委員、韓國東亞30指數專家委員會委員、聯合國環境署金融行動機構(UNEP FI)授權培訓師,兼任中國銀行業協會教育培訓部金融可持續發展培訓項目負責人,協助中國銀行業協會組織綠色金融與銀行可持續發展培訓、綠色信貸——環境社會風險管理培訓師培訓等。
他發起了中國責任投資論壇(China SIF);協助綠色流域等民間組織推出中國首個綠色銀行創新獎評選;還應邀在北京師范大學為企業社會責任方向的MPA學生開設《社會責任投資》專業課、在清華大學為國際MBA學生開設《企業經營與可持續發展》專業課。
Dr. Guo Peiyuan is the Chairman of SynTao Green Finance and co-founder and General Manager of SynTao. As one of China’s renowned expertsin Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), he has been closely involved in responsible management development.
Dr. Guo is a member of the stakeholder council of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), a member of China Finance Society Green Finance Committee, an advisor to Asian Sustainable and Responsible Investment Association (ASrIA), and co-founder of China SIF. Dr. Guo teaches Business Performance and Sustainability for MBA studentsin School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, and teaches Socially Responsible Investment for MPA students at Beijing Normal University. Dr. Guo holds a Ph.D. in Management from Tsinghua University in China.
Dr. FAN is the Party secretary and Chairman of Beijing Financial Holding Group Co., LTD. Prior to this, he held various positionsin national and local departments of Finance, Development and Reform Commission, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and financial regulatory institutions, and has gained extensive domestic and international work experience. Dr. FAN received his Bachelor‘s and Master’s degreesin International Finance from the Department of World Economics, Fudan University, and a doctorate in Economics from Yale University.
埃里克·亞瑟(Eric Usher)
埃里克·亞瑟現任聯合國環境規劃署金融倡議(UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative)主管。聯合國環境署金融倡議(UNEP FI)是聯合國環境與全球金融部門在1992年地球峰會之后建立的伙伴關系,其使命是促進可持續金融。包括銀行、保險公司和投資者在內的200多家金融機構與聯合國環境署合作,以了解當今的環境、社會和治理挑戰、融資為何重要以及如何積極參與應對這些挑戰。聯合國環境署金融倡議致力于開發一系列可持續發展指導框架,其中包括已發表的包括《負責任投資原則》(2006年)和《可持續保險原則》(2012年),以及目前在籌備的《負責任銀行原則》。
埃里克曾在多個行業機構任職,包括作為聯合國負責投資原則委員會代表、法國主權綠色債券評估委員會成員、影響基金非洲代表和種子資本援助基金創始人。在加入聯合國之前,埃里克在低碳行業擁有超過20年的經驗,涉及加拿大的技術商業化,摩洛哥的太陽能農村電氣化和新興市場的金融部門發展。 2011年,亞瑟先生致力于建立綠色氣候基金,并領導建立私營部門基金。 埃里克擔任彭博社每年發布的《可再生能源投資全球趨勢》報告的編輯,并且是IPCC可再生能源特別報告的主要作者。
Eric Usher currently heads the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative, UNEP FI, a global partnership bringing together the UN with more than 300 banks, insurers and asset managers working to develop the sustainable finance and responsible investment agendas. Eric oversees governance, strategy and day-to-day management of UNEP FI’s work programme and global network development. Over the years, UNEP FI has established some of the most important sustainability oriented frameworks within the finance industry, including the Principles for Responsible Investment (2006), the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (2012) and work is now underway on the Principles for Responsible Banking. Since joining in 2015, Mr. Usher has focused on accelerating the deep integration of sustainability risksinto financial practice, including addressing climate change, natural capital loss and human rights abuses, as well as building out the frameworks for positive impact finance needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Eric sits on several industry bodiesincluding as UN representative on the Board of the Principles for Responsible Investment, as a member of the Evaluation Council of the French sovereign green bond, as Director for the impact fund REPP Africa and founder of the Seed Capital Assistance Facility.
Prior to leading UNEP FI, Mr. Usher has over twenty years of experience in the low carbon sectors, spanning technology commercialisation in Canada, solar rural electrification in Morocco and financial sector development across emerging markets. During 2011, Mr. Usher worked on the establishment of the Green Climate Fund and led efforts to create its Private Sector Facility. Eric has been an editor of the Global Trendsin Renewable Energy Investment report published annually with Bloomberg and was lead author for finance of the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources. Before joining the UN, he was General Manager of a solar rural electrification company based in Morocco.
Mr. Cao Deyun is currently the Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the Insurance Asset Management Association of China(IAMAC). He served atthe headquarters of the People‘s Bank of China (PBOC), the former China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), and now the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission(CBIRC). He has long been engaged in policy research and making as well as the financial practice and regulation in the fields of macroeconomics, monetary policy, financial market, interest rate, exchange rate, open market operation, asset management and the utilization of insurance funds.
Matthew Arnold
Matthew Arnold is head of Corporate Responsibility Engagement at JPMorgan Chase. In addition to Sustainability and Impact Finance, he is leading a new effort to engage the firm’s clientsin corporate responsibility strategy.
Matt was a Principal and leader of Sustainable Business Solutions at PwC and a founder of Sustainable Finance Ltd, acquired by PwC in December 2008.
He was Chief Operating Officer and acting President of the World Resourcesinstitute and a founder of the Management Institute for Environment and Business, which merged with the World Resourcesinstitute in 1996.
Matt is a Trustee atthe Nature Conservancy’s New York Chapter and the Frankfurt Zoological Society.
Matt holds an AB degree in Psychobiology from Harvard College, an MA in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins University, and an MBA from the Harvard Business School.
Mr. Thomas Kwan leads the investment management and research platform in Harvest Global Investment, including Fixed Income, Greater China Equity, Asian Equity, Global Real Estates, ETFs and asset allocation. He is also responsible for the group’s strategic initiative on responsible investing at Harvest Fund Management and leads an ESG team for ESG research and ESG integration for the group.
Thomas joined HGI in 2012. He has over 20 years’ investment management experience. Prior to HGI, he worked at Baring Asset Management in Hong Kong as Head of Asian Debt, Credit Suisse Asset Management in Singapore and Beijing as Director of Asian Fixed Income and Currency, Prudential Asset Management in Singapore asinvestment Director and First State Investmentsin Hong Kong as Portfolio Manager.
Thomas has an M.A. in Economics and B.Comm in Finance from the University of Toronto and is a CFA charter holder.
羅楠,Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) 中國負責人。羅楠于2017年10月加入PRI擔任中國區負責人。她與機構投資者及利益相關方共同合作推動ESG投資在中國的發展,并協助中國機構投資者將ESG因素納入投資流程和決策。 在加入PRI之前,羅楠在英國駐華大使館國際貿易部擔任基礎設施機構投資主管,負責促進中國對英國能源和基礎設施項目的投資,并重點關注可再生能源領域。在此之前,她在英國使館氣候變化與能源處工作,重點負責綠色金融項目的開發、管理和實施。在大使館工作期間,她曾被借調到英國國際發展部和英國綠色投資銀行工作,以促進部門間在綠色金融領域的協同與合作。
Luo Nan joined as the Head of China for the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since October 2017. She works with Chinese partners to raise the awareness of responsible investment in China and supportsinstitutional investors to incorporate ESG issuesinto the investment process.
Before joining the PRI, Ms Luo worked with the Department of International Trade atthe British Embassy in Beijing, where she was the Head of Institutional Infrastructure Investment, leading on attracting Chinese capital investment into UK Energy and Infrastructure projects. Prior to that position, she spent five years working in the Climate Change and Energy Section of the Embassy, focusing on green finance strategies and policy-oriented projects to address global climate change and support China’s low carbon transition. During her time with the Embassy, she has been seconded to the UK Department for International Development and the UK Green Investment Bank.
Wei Lin(林巍)
Economic Adviser to the District Major (Finance and Business Promotion), Tongzhou District, Beijing, China
Babson College: MBA (2006)
Northeastern University: Master of Computer Science (1998)
Tsinghua University: Bachelor of Env. Eng (1990), Master(1991), Ph.D(1995)
CFA (2010)
Working Experience
Economic Advisor to the District Major, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China (2019-present)
Vice President, Lead System Analyst, Wellington Management Company (2012-2019)
Vice President, State Street Global Advisors (2008-2012)
Fixed Income Analytics Developer/ Senior Software Engineer, Charles River Development (2006-2008)
Lead Software Engineer, Thomson Reuters: (1998- 2006)
Lecturer, Tsinghua University (1991-1996)
Ms. Miyuki Zeniya is Fellow and Head of Sustainable Finance, Investment Planning Department atthe Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company Limited. Before this role she had been responsible for engagement and proxy voting based on Japanese Stewardship code. Prior to joining The Dai-ichi Life in 2013, she had experience as outside director of the companies which Mizuho Group’s Private equity company invested in. Before that she had been Deputy Vice President at a regional bank in Japan, which was the first female full-time board member in Japan. Ms. Zeniya is an independent corporate director of RENOVA, Inc. from June 2020. She is a member of impact investment study group by FSA and GSG impact investment advisory board and is a member of working group for NAP on Business & Human Rights by MOFA.
葉敏先生負責穆迪在中國的整體戰略的制定和執行,統籌和拓展穆迪分析 (Moody’s Analytics) 和穆迪投資者服務 (Moody’sinvestors Service)在 中國的業務,致力于用穆迪的數據、分析和見解支持中國信用市場的發展, 同時推動和提升中國在全球經濟中的地位。
葉敏先生還負責管理與穆迪的關聯公司中誠信國際和商道融綠的關系,使穆 迪能夠幫助客戶從全球或本地的角度評估各項風險。
此外,葉敏先生是穆迪在中國、印度和韓國國內評級關聯公司 (即中誠信國 際、ICRA Limited和Korea Investors Service) 的董事會成員。
葉敏先生此前擔任董事總經理兼穆迪投資者服務公司國際業務主管,在穆迪 運營的地區從全球高度主導戰略的推進、執行和溝通工作。此外,他也曾任 穆迪董事總經理兼亞太區主管、穆迪中國主管、中誠信國際首席執行官。
葉敏先生于1994 年加入穆迪結構融資部,擔任高級分析師,后任亞太區 ( 不包括日本) 結構融資部董事總經理。
葉敏先生獲清華大學電子工程學士和碩士學位,并獲美國卡內基梅隆大學 (Carnegie Mellon University) 電子和計算機工程博士學位。
Min Ye is Managing Director and Head of International, overseeing Moody’s China business. In this capacity, Dr. Ye is responsible for expanding Moody’s China business by leading the development and execution of enterprise-wide strategies, bringing together capabilities from across Moody’s Analytics and Moody’sinvestors Service (MIS) that support the advancement of the country’s credit markets and its global economic profile through the use of Moody’s data, analytics and insights. Dr. Ye also oversees relationships with Moody’s affiliates China Cheng Xin International Credit Rating Co., Ltd. (CCXI) and Syntao Green Finance, to enable Moody’s to help customers assess diverse risks, whether from a global or local perspective. Dr. Ye is also a member of the Board of Directors for Moody’s domestic rating affiliatesin China (CCXI), India (ICRA Limited) and Korea (Korea Investors Service). Dr. Ye most recently served as MD-Head of MIsinternational, providing global leadership to advance, execute and communicate strategies across the regionsin which Moody’s operates. Prior to that, Dr. Ye was Managing Director and Regional Head of MIS Asia Pacific, Country Manager for MIS China, and Chief Executive Officer of CCXI. Dr. Ye joined Moody’sin 1994 in the Structured Finance Group, first as Senior Analyst and later as Managing Director for the group in Asia Pacific (ex-Japan). Dr. Ye holds a BE and an ME in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, and a PhD in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.
之前,曾先后就職深圳證券交易所綜合研究所所長,加拿大鮑爾集團(Power Corporation of Canada)亞太區基金與保險業務副總裁,加拿大倫敦人壽保險公司北京代表處首席代表, 大成基金管理有限公司董事、總經理。
曾任特許金融分析師協會(CFA Institute)全球理事, 國際投資基金協會(International Investment Funds Association)理事。
于華博士目前在包括瑞士銀行(UBS)和貝萊德 (BlackRack)在內的多家境外金融機構任非執行董事。
Former Chairman, Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund Management Company. Joined Morgan Stanley in 2008, served as MD, Head of China Investment Management, Board Director and GM, Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund Management Company, retired in July, 2019. Prior experiencesincluding Head of Research Institute at Shen Zhen Stock Exchange, Vice President of Financial Service at Asia Subsidiary of Power Corporation of Canada, Chief Rep. of London Life Insurance in China, Board Director and GM of Dacheng Fund Management Company.
Global Board Governor of CFA Institute, Board member at International Investment Funds Association.
Currently, Dr. Yu Hua is serving as Director at Boards of several Multinational Financial Institutionsincluding UBS China and BlackRock China Asset Management Co.
Helena Fung
As Head of Sustainable Investment, Asia Pacific, Helena is responsible for FTSE Russell’s Sustainable Investment indexes, data and analytics solutions across the Asia Pacific region. A core part of her role is client engagement on a comprehensive range of products and data to support them in reaching their investment decisions. Working with research and leadership teams, she has a responsibility for developing FTSE Russell’s Asia Pacific Sustainable Investment product strategy and expansion.
Helena relocated to Hong Kong in 2014 from London - a key hub for ESG investments, where she worked for the responsible investment arm of Hermesinvestment Management as global head of client relations, enabling pension funds and asset managers to integrate sustainability criteria into passive and active portfolios. Before joining FTSE Russell, Helena worked for a family office in Asia where her responsibilitiesincluded ESG integration, equity analysis and advising on philanthropy. She has been working as an expert in ESG and Sustainable Investment since 2008, including providing advisory research on stewardship implementation for pension funds and family office clients, drafting responsible investment policies and integrating sustainability policiesinto both active and passive portfolios.
王忠民先生1985年4月加入中國共產黨,1975年2月參加工作,中國社會科學院研究生院政治經濟學專業畢業,研究生學歷,經濟學博士,教授、博士生導師,國家有突出貢獻專家,享受國務院特殊津貼。曾任全國社會保障基金理事會副理事長。現任中國責任投資論壇(China SIF)名譽理事長。
Mr. WANG Zhongmin joined the Communist Party of China in April 1985, joined the work in February 1975, graduated from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, majoring in political economics, postgraduate degree, doctor of economics, professor, doctoral tutor, expert with outstanding contributions for the state, enjoying special allowance from the State Council. He served as the vice chairman of the National Social Security Fund Council. He is now Honorary Chairman of China SIF.
中國氣象局原副局長,曾任世界氣象組織 WMO 氣候學委員會副主席。
Former Deputy Director of China Meteorological Administration,Former Vice
President of the World Meteorological Organization Climatology Committee
Dr. MA Jun is the Director of the Center for Finance and Development, Tsinghua National Institute of Financial Research. He is also Chairman of Green Finance Committee of China Society for Finance and Banking, and Co-chair of G20 Green Finance Study Group. His main research areasinclude macroeconomics, monetary policy, financial market development, as well as environmental economics.
Mr. Zengtao Wu, CFA, has long been engaged in fund supervision work in China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC), mainly including fund product examination, system reformation and businessinnovation, formulation of laws and regulations and regulatory policies, risk monitoring and prevention, cross-border business, etc. Mr. Wu joined China Southern Asset Management Co., Ltd. in 2015. Currently, He is the Chief Marketing Officer(CMO) of China Southern Asset Management Co., Ltd., responsible for strategy and product development, corporate planning and other work. Mr. Wu holds a bachelor of science and a master of economics degree from Peking university, and holds a chartered financial analyst (CFA) qualification certificate.
Guojun An, Deputy Secretary General, Green Finance Committee, Vice president of the China responsibility and Investment Forum,UIBE director of the research center on green finance and sustainable development, Vice director of the academic committee of the Lujiazui Green Financial Development Center, China Society for Finance and Banking, Chinese Academy of Social Sciencesinstitute of Finance and Banking, associate professor, Ph.D., Senior Economist, MBA mentor. National Youth Committee. Master of Development Economics, University of Manchester, England. Doctor of Economics, Renmin University of China. Chinese Academy of Social Finance postdoctoral. Visiting scholar at Columbia University Business School, Stanford University.
Since August 1997, she has worked at Ministry of Finance, China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Financial Markets Department, the inter-bank market dealers association China Bond Market Committee, the China Academy of Social Sciencesinstitute of Finance and Banking. She ever participated in the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Asian Development Bank, Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, People‘s Bank, the CBRC, CSRC, commercial banks research projects.
The main research interestsinclude global financial markets, macroeconomic and policy, foreign investment, green finance, fiscal policy and monetary policy coordination, local government debt management, private economy, capital markets, regional financial cooperation, carbon finance. Since 1994, published nearly on hundred papersin the academia or economic journals. Publicationsincluding :Reserch on Global and China’s Green Funds. Research on Bond Market and Financial Stability--Enlightenment of the Global Financial Crisis; Exploring : New Drivers for China’s Financial Reforms.Related articles and interviewsinclude people net, Xinhua net, Sina, China financial network, Caixin, China Economic Net, finance national news, Phoenix finance, much home media and websites.
Sabrina is the China Country Director of CDP, the Global Environmental Reporting System. Her responsibilitiesin CDP include: manage the team in greater China region and fund raising for core business; develop high-level partnerships as well as manage and engage with key stakeholdersin the loop of green finance, ESG investment, climate change and energy, sustainable development as well as sustainable agriculture and green procurement. Sabrina is frequently invited to speak at external high-level events and meetings. Sabrina joined CDP from MSCI where she was the senior analyst responsible all ESG customized products, including ESG Index, ESG rating and screening products, etc. Prior to this, Sabrina worked for China Beijing Environmental Exchange, National Development and Reform Commission affiliated think tanks. In addition, Sabrina has rich experience in policy research and analysis focus on Climate change and green finance such as supporting Chinese delegation of climate change negotiation, Equator Principle and green credits policy during her previous working experience in World Bank and other international organizationsin Washington D.C and Beijing. Sabrina is a lecture at Cambridge sustainable leadership program. Industry mentor at Shanghai Jiao tong University. Experts at Caixin ESG 30 forum. She holds law degree from both China and United States.
Her publications and contribution work include: ‘‘Comparative Study on China Water Pollution Prevention Law and the States Clean Water Act, University of Oregon Law Review.2008; ‘‘A Framework of China-U.S. Partnership to Address Global Warming’’ in ‘‘China Natural Resource Law Review’’ March2008; ‘‘The Corporate Ecosystem Service Review’’ Translator and reviewer, WRI publication; ‘‘Are you ready for Lacey Act?’’ Translator and reviewer, WRI publication,2010; WRI white paper of ‘‘Emerging Actors, China Environmental Policy on Overseasinvestments’’; “Are you ready for China Market? FGI, One-stop Service in China Green Market”. Carbon Market Quarterly Magazine, First author, September2013;“China‘s Economic Transformation: A New Era of ESG Opportunity” Financial Times, MSCI China Country Report, Co- author, June 2015. “Environmental Information Disclosure Promotes Green Finance” first author, CDP China country investor report, Oct 2016.”Paving the way to mandatory reporting” first author, CDP China country investor report, Oct 2017 “Explore how buyers are harnessing the power of purchasing for a more sustainable future” first author, CDP China supply chain report, Mar,2017 “Every investor should understand ESG after fake vaccines” CDP blog/Wechat account, first author, July 2018. Sabrina holds law degree from both China and United States.
Amar Gill
Amar Gill is Managing Director and Head of Investment Stewardship in APAC for BlackRock, joining the company in 2018. He worked for 22+ years with a leading regional securities company, CLSA, an industry leader for independent equities research. Gill was Head of Asia Research; prior to that he was regional head of thematic research and had also been research head for Hong Kong and Malaysia. He had a stint in investment banking at CLSA-CITICS before leaving the group in September 2018.
Gill has been a pioneer in corporate governance research, writing nine regional reports over 2001 to 2014 for CLSA working in collaboration with the Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA). Representing CLSA, Gill has been a council member of ACGA over 2005-09. After graduating with First Class Honoursin Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Gill did a Masters course in Philosophy majoring in Ethics also at Oxford University, England. He worked earlier in foreign exchange with Chemical Bank in Singapore (subsequently acquired by Chase Manhattan) before starting his career in equities research. He is presently also on the Asia advisory group of Climate Action 100+, Sustainable Accounting Standards Board as well as the Young Investors Society.
Emilie Mazzacurati
Emilie Mazzacurati is Global Head of Moody’s Climate Solutions and founder and CEO of Four Twenty Seven, (427mt.com), a Moody’s affiliate. She oversees the climate solutions suite within Moody’s ESG Solutions Group, a new business unit formed to serve the growing global demand for ESG and climate analytics. Moody’s climate solutions, powered by Four Twenty Seven and V.E, provides climate risk screening for listed securities and real assets to help banks, financial institutions, corporations, and governments understand their exposure to the impacts of climate change, prepare for the transition to a zero carbon economy, and build resilience.
Ms. Mazzacurati has published extensively on the impacts of climate change in financial markets, on climate risks disclosure (TCFD), on emissions trading, and on adaptation finance opportunities. She is a frequent public speaker and teaches atthe University of California, Davis Executive MBA. Previously, Ms. Mazzacurati was Head of Research at Thomson Reuters Point Carbon, where she directed research and modeling on carbon pricing. She also served as a policy advisor to the Mayor of Paris on environmental policy. Emilie holds a Master’s of Political Science from the Institut d‘Etudes Politiques de Paris and a Master’s of Public Policy from UC Berkeley.
Ms. Mazzacurati is the recipient of multiple awards, including Top 100 People in Finance (2019), Berkeley Visionary Award (2016), and Cartier Women’sinitiative Award (2013). Four Twenty Seven was named 2019 Best Alternative Data Provider by Risk Magazine. Moody’s Analytics received the 2021 Chartis RiskTech100? Climate Risk Award, highlighting its commitment to integrating climate risk analyticsinto its world-class credit models.
Rebecca Mikula-Wright
Rebecca manages the AIGCC secretariat and the group’s ongoing stream of work including policy advocacy and investor practice in the Asia region. She is a member of the global Steering Committee for the Climate Action 100+ and oversees the implementation of the initiative in Asia.
Rebecca has led various projects for the Australia /New Zealand Investor Group on Climate Change including Trustee Training on Climate Change series, IGCC Summit, Low Carbon Investment Registry and sector reports on risks and opportunities of climate change.
Rebecca was previously the General Manager of ASrIA (Asian SRI Association) after coming from the investment banking sector working in equity research, credit analysis, commodities and derivatives for groups such as Nomura Securities, BlackRock and JPMorgan. Rebecca is also a board member of The Orangutan Project that works on direct orangutan and habitat conservation in Indonesia. Rebecca speaks conversational Japanese, French and Czech.
Mr. Zhang is the Managing Director of SynTao Green Finance. He is responsible for the company‘s business operations and internal management. Mr. Zhang has extensive experience in sustainable development and green finance. He has led a number of green bond verification work and has participated in sustainable finance research projects. He served as a judge for the Tsinghua (Sustainable) Business Case Competition and as a mentor for the “UN Sustainable Consumption and Development” Youth Camp for several years. Prior to SynTao, he has nine years management experience in a state-owned enterprise.
Mr. Zhang holds a MBA from Tsinghua University‘s School of Economics and Management and a Master degree in Finance from Central University of Finance and Economics.
朱旭峰,現任清華大學公共管理學院教授、博士生導師、副院長、智庫研究中心主任;清華大學全球可持續發展研究院執行院長、清華大學科技發展與治理研究中心副主任。朱旭峰入選國家杰出青年科學基金、首批國家青年拔尖人才支持計劃(“萬人計劃”)、國家優秀青年科學基金、教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”、哈佛大學“燕京學者”,2014年榮獲“中國管理學青年獎”。朱旭峰在清華大學先后獲得環境工程學士和公共管理學博士學位;2012年回到清華大學工作前,任南開大學周恩來政府管理學院教授。 研究方向包括政策過程理論、智庫和專家參與、轉型與公共治理等。著有The Politics of Expertise in China (2019), The Rise of Think Tanksin China (2013)、《改革開放與當代中國智庫》(2018)、《政策變遷中的專家參與》(2012)和《中國思想庫:政策過程中的影響力研究》(2009),發表Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Governance, Public Administration, Policy Studies Journal, Public Management Review, Policy Sciences, Environmental and Planning C, The China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Pacific Affairs, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Administration & Society, Asian Survey, Energy Policy等國際學術期刊論文20余篇,曾獲美國公共管理學會(ASPA)“2012年度最佳比較政策論文獎”、國際公共管理網絡“Naschold 2017年度公共管理最佳論文獎”。在《中國社會科學》、《社會學研究》、《管理世界》等權威中文期刊上發表論文8篇,其他CSSCI論文數十篇;在《人民日報》、《光明日報》等報刊發表文章數十篇。他目前擔任Asian Journal of Political Sciences 雜志地區主編、Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis副主編和其他5本國際期刊的編委和一些重要智庫學術委員等職務.主持9項國家級研究課題(包括國家自然科學基金各類項目6項、國家社科基金項目2項(重點項目1項)、國家軟科學計劃等)。
Xufeng ZHU is currently Professor and Associate Dean atthe School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM) and Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University (TUSDG), Deputy Director of the Science & Technology Development and Governance Center, Tsinghua University (TUSTDG), and Director of the Think Tank Research Center of the SPPM. Dr. ZHU earned his bachelor’s degree in environment engineering and doctor’s degree in public management from Tsinghua University in 2000 and 2005. Before he moved back to Tsinghua University, he served as Professor atthe Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University. His research interestsinclude the policy process, think tank and expert involvement, Science & Technology policy, environment and climate policy, and public governance in transitional China. He is the author of The Politics of Expertise in China (2019), The Rise of Think Tanksin China (2013), Reform and Opening-up and Contemporary Think Tanksin China (Chinese, 2018), Expert Involvement in Policy Changes (Chinese, 2012), and China‘s Think Tanks: Their Influencesin the Policy Process (Chinese, 2009), and has published over twenty English articlesin Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Governance, Public Administration, Policy Studies Journal, The China Quarterly, Policy Sciences, Public Management Review, Environmental and Planning C, Administration & Society, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Asian Survey, Energy Policy, and other international journals and dozens of articlesin Chinese journals such as Social Sciencesin China, Sociological Studies, and Management World, which are highly prestigious academic journalsin respective field in China. He serves as Regional Editor of Asian Journal of Political Sciences, Associate Editor of Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, and editorial board memberships for other five international journals. He has won many national academic awardsincluding the China National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (2016), the Youth Award of Management Science in China (2014), the National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals (2012), and the National Outstanding Youth Fund (2013). He was the winner of “Best Comparative Policy Paper Award for 2012” of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) and the “Naschold Award for Excellence in Scholarship in Public Management” atthe 2017 Annual Conference of the International Public Management Network. He was also selected as Harvard Yenching Scholar by the Harvard Yenching Institute in 2008.