2006年9月1日全球金融市場周報(獨家雙語版)http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年09月05日 14:20 上投摩根
Asia Pacific 亞洲 The MSCI Pacific ex Japan index fell 1.7% in USD but 1.4% in local currency terms. Asian exporters fell in sympathy with the weaker-than-expected reading of both consumer confidence and home resales in the US. TSMC and LG Electronics dropped 4.4% and 2.2%, respectively. Sentiments in Taiwan (-2.9%) turned sour following the 18 Aug interest rate hike by China's central bank, with Hon Hai Precision and MediaTek, the world's biggest producer of chips for DVD players, both surrendering 3.7%. China, including Hong Kong, currently accounts for roughly 39% of Taiwan's overseas shipments. July saw Taiwan's export orders rise at a weaker pace for a second straight month. Despite trading in a thin range, India's SENSEX (+0.9%) finished the week above the psychological level of 11,500, with metal issues performing the best, followed by oil and gas. Having finished the week 1.6% higher, China's Shanghai A shares added 1.7% further on Monday after the government relaxed investment restrictions currently applied to foreign institutional investors, raising the prospect of greater fund inflows. Effective next month, overseas fund management and insurance companies with assets of at least USD 5bn can gain approval to invest in yuan-denominated equities and bonds, reduced from the previous USD 10bn threshold. Under the QFII program, 45 foreign institutions so far have been granted licenses to invest a combined USD 7.5bn in yuan-denominated financial securities. Hong Kong's Hang Seng fell 2.2%. China Life Insurance, the country's biggest insurer, said its 1H06 earnings up 72% YoY, beating market expectations. The Beijing-based company said the buoyant Chinese stock market conditions enabled it to earn more investing premiums. Also, China life benefited from a robust Chinese economy, with its share of the life market increasing to 49% as of June 30 from 45% a year ago. YTD through 28 Aug, shares of China life have gone up 97%, comparing with the 28% rise in the Hang Seng China Enterprise Index. Australia's ASX All Ordinaries fell 0.4%. Boosted by an acceleration in building approvals, the country's leading economic index rose for a fourth month in June, suggesting the economy may maintain its solid momentum during 2H06. 周摩根士丹利亞太(日本除外)指數以美元計跌1.7%%,以當地貨幣計則跌1.4%。美國消費信心及二手房屋銷售數據均遜于預期,拖累亞洲出口股下挫。臺積電(TSMC)與樂金電子(LG Electronics)分別跌4.4%和2.2%。中國人民銀行于8月18日加息,導致臺股氣氛逆轉 (-2.9%),鴻海精密(Hon Hai Precision)及全球最大數碼影碟播放機芯片生產商瑞麗科技(MediaTek)均下跌3.7%。中國(包括香港在內)目前在臺灣對外付運中所占比例約達39%。7月份臺灣出口訂單增長步伐連續兩個月減慢。印度股市交投雖然稀疏,但SENSEX指數 (+0.9%) 收市仍高于11,500點的心理關口。金屬股表現最佳,石油及燃氣股次之。 中國上海A股繼上周高收1.6%后,本周一再升1.7%,主要是得力于政府放寬目前對外國機構投資者施加的限制,可望吸引更多資金流入。由下月開始,資產值最少達50億美元的境外基金管理及保險公司可獲準投資于人民幣計價股票及債券,而之前的門坎為100億美元。在“合格境外機構投資者計劃”下,迄今已有45家外資機構獲批牌照,可投資于人民幣計價證券的資金合計達75億美元。香港恒生指數跌2.2%。中國最大保險公司中國人壽上半年盈利激增72%,超出市場預期。該公司表示中國股市交投暢旺令該公司得以賺取更多投資保險保費。此外,中國人壽亦因中國經濟蓬勃而受惠,其在壽險市場所占比例由一年前的45%提高至6月30日的49%。由年初至8月28日止,中國人壽股價上升多達97%,而恒生中國企業指數升幅僅為28%。澳洲所有普通股指數跌0.4%。受到施工批文增加刺激,6月份澳洲領先經濟指數連升四月,意味當地經濟在今年下半年可維持充沛動力。 (以上資料全部來源于JF Asset Management) 獨家聲明: 新浪編者注:本文為作者授權新浪網獨家刊登之作品,所有媒體及網站不得轉載,除非獲得新浪網及作者本人書面授權并注明出處為新浪網。欲轉載者請致電:(86-10)82628888轉5173聯系。本文觀點純屬作者個人意見,與本網站立場無關。非常感謝廣大網友對新浪財經頻道的支持,歡迎賜稿與合作。 新浪聲明:本版文章內容純屬作者個人觀點,僅供投資者參考,并不構成投資建議。投資者據此操作,風險自擔。
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