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http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年03月30日 14:47  新浪財經(jīng)

  新浪財經(jīng)訊 據(jù)國外媒體消息,北京時間3月30日中午,通用汽車確認(rèn)該公司CEO里克-瓦格納(Rick Wagoner)將立即辭職,同時已提名該公司總裁兼首席運營官韓德勝(Fritz Henderson)接任CEO一職。以下為瓦格納的離職信:








  GM Message from Rick Wagoner

  On Friday I was in Washingtonfor a meeting with Administration officials.  In the course of thatmeeting, they requested that I “step aside” as CEO of GM, and so I have。

  FritzHenderson is an excellent choice to be the next CEO of GM.  Havingworked closely with Fritz for many years, I know that he is the idealperson to lead the company through the completion of our restructuringefforts.  His knowledge of the global industry and the company areexceptional, and he has the intellect, energy, and support among GM’ersworldwide to succeed.  I wish him well, and I stand ready to supporthim, and interim Non-Executive Chairman Kent Kresa, in every waypossible.  

  I also want to extend mysincerest thanks to everyone who supported GM and me during my time asCEO.  I deeply appreciate the excellent counsel and commitment of theGM Board and the strong support of our many partners including ourterrific dealers, suppliers, and community leaders. I am grateful aswell to the union leaders with whom I have had the chance to workclosely to implement numerous tough but necessary restructuringagreements.  

  Most important of all I want toexpress my deepest appreciation to the extraordinary team of GMemployees around the world.  You have been a tremendous source ofinspiration and pride to me, and I will be forever grateful for thecourage and commitment you have shown as we have confronted theunprecedented challenges of the past few years.  GM is a great companywith a storied history.  Ignore the doubters because I know it is alsoa company with a great future。

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