中金公司投資銀行部董事總經理趙曉征博士簡介 | |||||||||
http://whmsebhyy.com 2006年04月24日 19:29 新浪財經 | |||||||||
中國國際金融有限公司投資銀行部董事總經理趙曉征 趙曉征先生于1999年加入中國國際金融有限公司,在投資銀行部負責收購兼并、資產證券化以及銀行不良資產相關業務,先后完成了中國聯通境內外上市、阿爾卡特收購上海貝爾、全國社;鹜顿Y交通銀行、中國人壽境外上市等多例企業融資及收購兼并項目以及中國首例企業資產證券化項目-中國聯通CDMA租賃費資產證券化和中國迄今最大規模的資產證券
此次論壇,趙曉征博士將就“聯通收益計劃”的案例做出精彩的分析。 ZHAO, Alex, Ph. D Managing Director, Investment Banking Department, China International Capital Corporation (CICC). Mr. Zhao joined CICC in 1999, and is currently in charge of mergers and acquisitions, asset-backed securitizations, and non-performing loan related businesses. Transactions he has completed as an investment banker include the international and domestic IPOs of China Unicom, the acquisitions of Shanghai Bell by Alcatel, the direct investment by National Social Security Fund in Bank of Transportation, the IPO of China Life, China Unicom CDMA Leasing payment asset-backed securitization, the first corporate ABS transaction in China, and China Netcom Receivable payment asset-backed securitization, the largest ABS transaction in China to date. Before joining CICC, Mr. Zhao had worked as Vice President with Lazard Asia in Beijing since 1995. Mr. Zhao has his B.S in Management from University of Science and Technology of China, and Ph.D in Economics from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mr. Zhao holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) in USA. 新浪聲明:本版文章內容純屬作者個人觀點,僅供投資者參考,并不構成投資建議。投資者據此操作,風險自擔。 |