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Robert Haddock

http://whmsebhyy.com 2004年07月23日 14:28 新浪財(cái)經(jīng)



  2004中小企業(yè)投融資國際論壇將于9月25日在中歐國際工商學(xué)院舉行,圖為Robert Haddock。 資料圖片

  Mr. Haddock is the founder, President and CEO of Global Strategy Partners located in New York City . His clients have included Cahners Business Information, RH Donnelley, GTE, MasterCard International, Unisys and Philips Electronics.

  He assists clients in the areas of strategic business planning, strategic marketing, product definition and development and technology definition and de

  Mr. Haddock is responsible for four major innovations in the delivery of online services:

  • The first unified business content portal , Citibank's Global Report , which he developed and launched in the mid-1980s. Global Report aggregated 10,000 pages of business and financial information from 15 sources daily, indexed this content by subject and presented users with a simple, menu-based access to more than 4 million pages of content in 4,000 business categories.

  • The “ free disk + free hours ” marketing concept, which he introduced in 1988, that transformed the online services industry. This concept was later used by AOL and virtually all ISP access providers to rapidly build their subscriber bases.

  • The first “ smart telephone ”, Citibank's Enhanced Telephone, which he developed in the late 1980's and early 1990's to allow consumers simplified access to online services. The Enhanced Telephone was the first device to integrate a telephone, a computer and a smart card.

  • The first “ digital screen phone with a graphical interface ,” which he developed in the 1990's. This device integrated a smart telephone with a web browser and supported Voice over IP Internet telephony.

  Mr. Haddock has held full P&L responsibility, as well as a variety of senior business development, marketing, technology, financial and editorial positions for Citibank, Ziff-Davis Publishing (magazines and online) and Prentice-Hall (books).

  During his career he has developed four successful online ventures, created print publications that generated sales of more than 10 million copies, received four patents and managed the automation of various publishing and direct response operations. He has developed numerous strategic partnerships, and negotiated more than 100 contracts, with values up to $10 million.

  He has an exceptional record in marketing online services, and has been a 2-time winner of the Echo Award for best direct response marketing worldwide. His revolutionary “Free Disk + Free Hours” marketing concept transformed the whole online services industry. In addition, he has been a 2-time winner of the IMMY award for best marketing communications worldwide from the Software and Information Industry (SIIA).

  Mr. Haddock's four U.S. patents include the landmark 1995 U.S. patent 5,657,378 for a “digital screen phone with graphical user interface.”

  Mr. Haddock speaks frequently at conferences worldwide, and is a recognized authority on online information services, the Internet, Internet devices, e-Commerce and Smart Cards.

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