耶魯大學校方就歧視中國留學生事件的正式聲明 | |||||||||
http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年10月30日 17:47 新浪財經 | |||||||||
針對耶魯大學中國留學生韓雪梅遭遇退學風波一事,耶魯大學發言人發表正式聲明,表示學校已經對韓雪梅事件做出積極回應,經過學校高層研究決定,韓雪梅由生態與進化生物系轉入森林與環境學院,繼續在耶魯攻讀博士學位,其待遇一切不變。 為表明校方的積極態度,耶魯大學特給新浪財經發來正式聲明,就韓雪梅事件作出解釋。以下為耶魯大學的聲明全文(中文譯文,后附英文原文):
耶魯大學長期以來一直致力于為國際學生提供良好的學習氛圍以及必要的幫助,特別是對于來自中國的留學生。今年有600多位中國學生和學者到耶魯學習。 對此我們而感到無比自豪。 耶魯大學有保護學生隱私的規定,我們不會將學生申訴的詳細內容透露于外界。 但是在此我要說明的是,學校已經對韓雪梅的事件做出了積極的回應。韓雪梅轉入森林與環境學院攻讀博士學位的程序正在進行中。 耶魯大學研究生院的院長還將對其他提出不滿的學生進行調查,如果必要,我們將采取符合學校規章制度的解決措施。 耶魯大學全力以赴將本校建成國際學生最佳去處。我們為國際學生提供慷慨的經濟資助。所有的文理科博士生,包括國際學生,都享有全免學費,并提供每年至少18,000美元的生活補貼和免費醫療保險。 耶魯大學的正式聲明英文原文: Yale has a long standing tradition of being a welcoming and supportive university for international students, and especially those from China. We are proud to have 600 Chinese students and scholars at Yale this year. We have a policy of protecting students’ privacy and we do not disclose the details of a student grievance but I can say that the University has responded positively to the concerns expressed by Xuemei Han. She is now in the process of transferring to the Ph.D. program in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. The Dean of the Graduate School will investigate the concerns registered about several other students and, if necessary, take action to ensure compliance with all University policies. Yale is committed to being the best place for international students. We have an extremely generous financial aid package for international students. And all students, including international, who are admitted to any of our Ph.D. programs in the arts and sciences pay no tuition and are given an annual living allowance of at least $18,000 plus free health care. |