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Ricardo Perez Garrido

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年12月19日 11:26  新浪財經
Ricardo Perez Garrido(資料圖片)

  Ricardo Perez

  Professor of Information Systems at Instituto de Empresa, Professor Ricardo Pérez has combined an extensive professional career with one of deep research into the field of new technologies. This dual profile, coupled with fifteen years of experience, has made him a recognized authority in the rapid evolution of the sector. During the early years of interne, he studied leading Spanish start-ups such as Olé, Barrabes, Teknoland, Netjuice, and served as consultant for companies like Telefónica, Telefónica Data, Microsoft, HP, CECA or the Norwegian Bank Association. In his own words: “The cases I did on Olé, Netjuice, etc, were noticed by MIT, which was interested in researching the possibilities that new forms of information integration offered business corporations, and, in turn, the rapid evolution of traditional information systems”.

  “Now I want to replicate the work model of the department where I worked in MIT, here at IE. This means researching highly specific aspects and applying them to organizations.” In order to achieve this, Professor Pérez maintains close relations with counterparts at the University of New York, Carnegie Mellon and MIT. He wants to see how companies use technology to relate among themselves and thus foresee the changes that these relations will undergo as new technological architectures emerge. This challenge, he tells us “produces differentiated research from Spain and Europe, rather than importing the US model into Spain.”

  This local approach to an international scenario from a business perspective rather than a technological one is the DNA of Professor Pérez’s research activity. He is also using his experience at MIT to the full to develop a doctoral programme in information systems for companies, at the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad de Madrid.

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