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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年08月11日 09:31 《IT經理世界》



  CEO & CIO Forum, organized by CEO & CIO China and started in 2000, is an annual event focused on business and management and its targeted attendees are senior managers of China's enterprise.

  2000經理世界年會 2000年11月 北京



  CEO & CIO Forum 2000 November 2000, Beijing

  Theme:Applications of IT and e-business

  The conference was focused on e-business and problems related with management transformation brought up by IT to enterprises were discussed. China's famous economist, Mr. Cheng Siwei, who is Vice-chairman of the National People's Congress, delivered a keynote titled "Feature of New Economy and China's Response". Mr. Yang Yuanqing, president of Lenovo, Mr. Tian Shuning, president of China Netcom, Mr. Feng Lun, chairman of Wantong, Mr. Tang Shisheng, vice president of Galax Securtiy and Ms. Wuhongshi, vice president of TCL and about 100 senior executives attended the conference. 36 sessions were held and total attendees were over 1000. The conference was praised as the most influential business conference that year.

  2001經理世界年會 2001年5月 北京



  CEO & CIO Forum 2001 May 2001, Beijing

  Theme: New economy-oriented management innovation

  The second conference is focused on management innovation and human resource management and attracted over 900 managers, among them are chairman Wang Shi of Wan Ke, Chairman Wang Wenjing of Unisoft, President Sun of China HP and President Guo Wei of China Digital. The conference featured two panel discussions, Expert Forum, Case Study and Theory Research which formed an open environment for exchanging views and ideas on enterprise management and was highly praised by attendees.

  2002經理世界年會 2002年6月 上海




  CEO & CIO Forum 2002 June 2002 Shanghai

  Theme: Globalized Commerce and East China in 21st century

  The third conference was held in Shanghaierehwthe economical development is the most active, the potential is the largest and the environment is the most favorable. There were three sessions titled "Globalizing thinking for entrepreneurs", "Globalization and regional competition ability" and "Internationalized operation" respectively. Over ten excellent speeches made by the legal expert Jiang Ping, international politics expert Wang Yizhou, Mr. Chou, Chairman and CEO of IBM China and President Feng of Shenyin Security International.

  The conference attracted extensive attention in Shanghai and East China, local media, such as Shanghai TV, Orient TV, Macao Lotus TV, Xinmin Evening News, Jie Fang Daily and Guangzhou Daily reported the conference. More than 800 people attended the conference.

  2003經理世界年會 2003年11月 深圳




  CEO & CIO Forum 2003 November 2003 Shenzhen

  Theme: New competitive era in the Pearl River Delta

  The Pearl River Delta economic belt with Shenzhen as its center has become the most vital economic area in China's mainland. Particularly after signing CEPA. Greater Pearl River Delta with GDP 2000 billion yuan is emerging. The conference was focused on the situation and new competitive pattern.

  Over 500 executives from domestic and foreign companies attended the conference, among them were Mr. Liu Chuanzhi, chairman of Levono, President Liu Pinchun of Overseas Chinese City Holding, President Xiang Bing of Changjiang Business School and Director Zhang Xiangchen of WTO Department of the Commerce Ministry. GE, Symantech, IDC, Kingsoft and other local well-known companies sent representatives to attend the conference..

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