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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年10月18日 08:24 文華財經

  Chile Codelco Gaby Output Outlook Cut To 150,000T a Year



   SANTIAGO (Dow Jones)--Copper mining giant Corporacion Nacional del Cobre de

  Chile's, or Codelco, planned Gaby mine likely will produce 150,000 metric tons of

  copper, down from a previous estimate of 170,000 tons, according to an

  environmental impact statement submitted Monday.

   The copper miner again submitted the environmental impact statement for the

  initial construction phases of its planned Gaby mine to the Conama national

  environmental commission.

   The earlier impact statement for the initial construction phase was rejected in

  September on the grounds that production and throughput were different from what

  was stipulated in the mine's original impact statement.

   Codelco resubmitted the impact statement, attributing the production change to

  the availability of more advanced engineering studies than when the mine's impact

  statement was submitted.

   The $14.4 million initial construction project the miner submitted to the Conama

  includes construction of Codelco and contractors' workers sleeping quarters and

  use of gravel and other construction materials, according to Conama's web site.

   The $600 million Gaby project will likely produce its first copper cathode in


   Earlier this year, China Minmetals Corp. signed a 15-year, $2 billion agreement

  with Codelco, which will source copper supplies from Chile. The deal also

  included an option for Minmetals to acquire a 25% stake in the Gaby mine. In

  addition, Codelco plans to sell another 24% stake in the mine.

   Codelco already has joint ventures with other mining companies. U.S. miner Phelps

  Dodge (PD) owns a 51% stake in and operates Codelco's El Abra mine. In addition,

  Codelco and BHP Billiton (BHP) operate a joint venture, Alliance Copper, which

  seeks to develop faster and more effective bacteria leaching processes.

   Chile is the world's largest copper producer, responsible for 30% of total annual


   In 2004, Codelco produced a record 1.84 million metric tons of copper, and posted

  its highest-ever pre-tax profit at $3.3 billion, inflated by the booming global

  copper market. Pre-tax profits include Codelco's politically controversial payout

  to the country's defense budget.



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