2006年7月10日全球金融市場周報:日本 | |||||||||
http://whmsebhyy.com 2006年07月12日 19:26 上投摩根 | |||||||||
Japan 日本 The TOPIX (+2.7%) rallied strongly at the end of the week as signs that US interest rates were close to a peak helped lift exporters. Earlier in the week the market had remained jittery over interest rates, both at home and in the US. On the domestic front, there has been a host of secondary dilutive equity issue
The 2Q Tankan survey from the BoJ showed that the headline business conditions index for large manufacturers rose one point to 21 in June in line with consensus. Japanese firms expect a further rise to 22 in September. Firms' FY2006 capex plans were revised up considerably to 6.2%oYoY. The unemployment rate declined further in May to 4.0% from 4.1% in the previous three months. Among employment, employed workers at firms increased 0.5% MoM and came back to the historical high level recorded in February. 美國息口快將見頂刺激出口股造好,上周尾段東京第一市場指數大幅回升2.7%。初段市場一直對日本國內和美國息口憂心忡忡。國內方面,Elpida、日本航空(JAL)、Nippon Mining和Makino Milling等公司相繼發行股份造成攤薄效應,政客及媒體亦緊盯日本央行行長福井俊彥與被捕投資經理村上世彰之間的轇轕。不過,隨著全球經濟放緩隱憂減退,投資者都將這些壞消息拋諸腦后。 按類別分析,商品、金融及房地產股造好,橡膠及零售股則表現欠佳。零售商第一季業績略遜預期,似是股價表現不濟的原因,但業績應主要歸咎于天氣惡劣。今年頭六個月小型股走勢遠遜大型股,但隨著股值吸引力加強,情況已有扭轉跡象。 日本央行第二季短觀調查結果顯示,6月份大型制造商標題營商信心指數上升1點至21點,符合一般預期。日本企業預計9月份會進一步上升至22點。2006財年的企業資本開支計劃按年增長大幅調高至6.2%。5月份失業率由之前三個月的4.1%進一步下降至4.0%。就業數據方面,企業聘用員工數目較上月增加0.5%,重返2月份歷史高位。 (以上資料全部來源于JF Asset Management) 獨家聲明: 新浪編者注:本文為作者授權新浪網獨家刊登之作品,所有媒體及網站不得轉載,除非獲得新浪網及作者本人書面授權并注明出處為新浪網。欲轉載者請致電:(86-10)82628888轉5173聯系。本文觀點純屬作者個人意見,與本網站立場無關。非常感謝廣大網友對新浪財經頻道的支持,歡迎賜稿與合作。 新浪聲明:本版文章內容純屬作者個人觀點,僅供投資者參考,并不構成投資建議。投資者據此操作,風險自擔。 |