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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年10月26日 16:30 新浪財經

  國際經理人聯盟 Union of International MBAs



  China MBA Fair

  The Union of International MBAs organizes China MBA Fairs in cities throughout the country to help introduce future MBA students to the Chinese best business schools. Our events are designed to provide the information necessary to choose the best MBA program for a person's objectives and to learn good strategies to apply successfully. Our events offer different meetings and panels to encourage informal and personal interaction with participating business school representatives. China MBA Fair is a unique opportunity for you to meet the admissions officers and alumni of the top business schools, and discuss your next education and career steps.



  The IMBATour focuses on international MBA students and professionals. It integrates study with entertainment, business tour and culture tour.

  Participants will visit different industrial enterprises; attend academic and industrial seminars, lectures and gatherings; communicate with Chinese entrepreneurs and international MBAs; and visit famous scenic spots in China.

  為探索經濟全球化下國際交流與商務合作的新模式,建立起國際溝通交流的全球平臺,使中國MBA/EMBA精英們在體驗中西文化交流、融匯的同時,探討國際經濟、財金、管理、技術創新、人才等焦點問題,推動中國MBA教育的國際化進程,拓展經理人的國際化視野,繼國際經理人中國商務考察計劃之后,國際經理人聯盟面向中國MBA/EMBA推出國際商務考察計劃(MBA Biz Tour)。


  MBA CareerThe fast development of Chinese economy has become a new global focus. Working in China is a more attractive choice in the global job market. We provide the opportunity to find an interesting Chinese enterprise to work under, know Chinese culture and economy and enrich your career with new challenges and colors. The IMBA Career is special for talented MBAs and Professionals who would like to seek career opportunities in China.







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