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http://whmsebhyy.com 2006年04月06日 13:48 新浪財經
Rank Name Country Industry Sales
Market Value
701 Japan Airlines Japan Transportation 19.87 0.28 19.76 5.32
702 Scania Sweden Capital goods 8.4 0.59 9.83 8.36
703 Harrah's Entertain United States Hotels, restaurants & leisure 7.11 0.24 20.64 13.19
704 Osaka Gas Japan Utilities 9.1 0.47 11.22 8.56
705 Talisman Energy Canada Oil & gas operations 4.39 0.56 10.34 19.27
706 Schering Group Germany Drugs & biotechnology 6.27 0.73 6.83 13.65
707 XTO Energy United States Oil & gas operations 3.52 1.15 9.86 15.21
708 Inco Canada Materials 4.69 0.87 12.01 9.3
709 OTP Bank Hungary Banking 3.17 0.74 24.41 10.07
710 Cinergy United States Utilities 5.41 0.49 17.2 8.75
711 Delhaize Group Belgium Food markets 24.38 0.29 12.73 6.29
711 Parker-Hannifin United States Capital goods 8.62 0.6 7.8 9.36
713 FCC Group Spain Construction 8.38 0.5 10.48 8.88
714 STMicroelectronics Switzerland Semiconductors 8.47 0.25 12.38 15.42
715 Electronic Data Sys United States Software & services 19.76 0.15 17.09 13.84
716 Thales France Aerospace & defense 13.96 0.27 14.46 7.84
717 Skanska Sweden Construction 18.25 0.4 9.18 6.74
718 Imperial Chemical Inds United Kingdom Chemicals 9.99 0.67 8.01 7
719 Mega Financial Holding Taiwan Diversified financials 2.67 0.69 66.72 8.65
720 Newmont Mining United States Materials 4.41 0.32 13.99 23.61
721 PKN Orlen Poland Oil & gas operations 10.15 0.8 6.4 7.9
722 Teva Pharmaceutical Inds Israel Drugs & biotechnology 4.98 0.34 9.63 33.48
723 DSM Netherlands Chemicals 10.52 0.36 11.64 7.96
723 EOG Resources United States Oil & gas operations 3.62 1.26 7.75 16.32
725 Bank Hapoalim Israel Banking 4.17 0.49 60.55 5.74
726 Alpha Bank Greece Banking 2.73 0.56 44.66 11.1
727 Banco de Sabadell Spain Banking 2.93 0.54 61.84 9.23
728 Inpex Japan Oil & gas operations 4.47 0.71 7.25 18.56
729 Becton, Dickinson United States Health care equipment & services 5.54 0.74 6.23 15.79
730 J Sainsbury United Kingdom Food markets 29.13 0.12 21.96 9.55
731 Express Scripts United States Health care equipment & services 16.27 0.4 5.49 12.74
731 Textron United States Conglomerates 10.04 0.2 16.5 11.47
731 XL Capital Bermuda Insurance 11.29 -1.25 58.45 9.49
734 Seiko Epson Japan Capital goods 13.81 0.52 12.05 4.71
735 Bank of Yokohama Japan Banking 2.25 0.54 99.28 11.5
736 Alstom France Capital goods 17.7 -1.12 21.11 11.77
737 AutoNation United States Retailing 19.25 0.5 8.27 5.46
738 ASF Group France Transportation 3.24 0.55 17.3 13.96
739 Severstal Russia Materials 6.89 1.45 6.58 7.15
740 S-Oil South Korea Oil & gas operations 10.47 0.91 5.43 8.09
741 Sacyr Vallehermoso Spain Construction 5.2 0.49 16.91 7.72
742 Avon Products United States Household & personal products 8.15 0.85 4.76 13.22
742 Limited Brands United States Retailing 9.7 0.67 5.8 9.63
744 Royal Caribbean Liberia Hotels, restaurants & leisure 4.9 0.66 11.26 9.27
745 Daiichi Sankyo Japan Drugs & biotechnology 5.48 0.45 8.97 15.04
745 Yamaha Motor Japan Consumer durables 11.65 0.54 8 6.63
747 American Standard United States Capital goods 10.26 0.56 6.87 8.18
748 Pernod Ricard France Food, drink & tobacco 4.45 0.58 8.49 16.04
749 AU Optronics Taiwan Technology hardware & equipment 6.62 0.48 10.05 9.54
750 Harley-Davidson United States Consumer durables 5.67 0.96 5.26 14.41
751 KeySpan United States Utilities 7.66 0.4 13.81 7.11
752 Synovus Finl United States Banking 3.42 0.52 27.63 8.83
753 Riyad Bank Saudi Arabia Banking 1.1 0.53 19.79 25.63
753 Stora Enso Finland Materials 15.59 -0.15 21.3 11.26
755 Shinsei Bank Japan Banking 2.06 0.63 79.79 9.21
755 Teck Cominco Canada Materials 3.83 1.17 7.64 12.7
755 Tyson Foods United States Food, drink & tobacco 26.01 0.35 10.7 4.8
758 Ashland United States Oil & gas operations 9.95 1.98 6.48 4.65
759 Pitney Bowes United States Business services & supplies 5.49 0.53 10.62 9.74
760 KB Home United States Construction 9.44 0.84 7.75 5.49
761 Qwest Communications United States Telecommunications services 13.9 -0.76 21.5 11.8
761 Transocean Cayman Islands Oil & gas operations 2.89 0.72 10.46 24.37
763 Sekisui House Japan Construction 13.24 0.23 10.93 10.21
764 Steel Authority of India India Materials 6.83 1.58 6.61 5.93
765 Takefuji Japan Diversified financials 3.36 0.64 17.76 9.09
766 Nippon Express Japan Transportation 16.36 0.3 12.01 5.59
767 WR Berkley United States Insurance 5 0.54 13.9 7.38
768 Showa Shell Sekiyu Japan Oil & gas operations 19.21 0.49 9.7 4.29
769 Royal & Sun Alliance United Kingdom Insurance 17.17 -0.29 38.54 6.68
770 Novolipetsk Steel Russia Materials 4.7 1.84 5.17 12.05
771 Fubon Financial Taiwan Diversified financials 3.33 0.47 47.6 6.88
772 Tenaga Nasional Malaysia Utilities 5.03 0.34 16.83 9.27
773 Corporation Mapfre Spain Insurance 8.29 0.3 31.54 4.61
773 Tenaris Luxembourg Oil & gas operations 4.49 0.85 5.5 18.48
775 Whirlpool United States Consumer durables 14.32 0.42 8.25 6.02
776 Softbank Japan Software & services 7.81 -0.56 15.53 32.78
777 Grupo Carso Mexico Conglomerates 7.36 0.81 7.88 5.99
778 Promise Japan Diversified financials 3.45 0.7 16.61 7.81
779 Insurance Australia Group Australia Insurance 5.35 0.58 12.85 6.39
779 Tatneft Russia Oil & gas operations 4.73 0.49 8.98 13.14
781 Cincinnati Financial United States Insurance 3.77 0.6 16 7.76
782 Mitsubishi Motors Japan Consumer durables 19.8 -4.43 14.77 11.29
783 Secom Japan Business services & supplies 5.11 0.45 10.07 11.27
784 Popular United States Banking 3.45 0.54 47.12 5.46
785 Edison Italy Utilities 7.57 0.21 21.67 8.67
786 All Nippon Airways Japan Transportation 12.06 0.25 14.55 6.21
787 British Sky Broadcasting United Kingdom Media 7.25 0.76 4.06 16.09
788 Raiffeisen Intl Bank Austria Banking 3.24 0.29 39.16 11.91
789 Banca Naz del Lavoro Italy Banking 5.98 -0.05 105.99 10.63
790 Isuzu Motors Japan Consumer durables 13.93 0.56 10.58 3.99
791 Formosa Chems & Fibre Taiwan Chemicals 4.6 1.3 6.85 8.45
792 Ajinomoto Japan Food, drink & tobacco 10.01 0.42 8.31 6.94
793 Bank Leumi Group Israel Banking 3.85 0.43 58.9 5.12
794 Mediaset Italy Media 4.6 0.68 6.42 13.91
795 China Merchants Bank China Banking 2.74 0.39 70.64 9.31
796 NiSource United States Utilities 7.89 0.31 17.96 5.6
797 Obayashi Japan Construction 13.11 0.23 17.15 5.42
798 Electrolux Group Sweden Consumer durables 16.27 0.22 10.38 8.11
799 Neste Oil Finland Oil & gas operations 11.79 0.79 4.5 7.85
800 PKO Bank Polski Poland Banking 2.61 0.5 29.46 10.92
數據來源:Forbes.com  制表:新浪財經 2006-04-06






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