第一財經背景介紹http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月20日 13:08 新浪財經
《第一財經周刊》由上海文廣新聞傳媒集團主辦、第一財經(CBN)傾力推出。 第一財經(CBN)成立于2003年7月,是中國唯一跨媒體、跨地域、跨行業的專業財經資訊供應商。第一財經致力于為中國廣大投資者和全球華人經濟圈提供實時、嚴謹、優質的財經新聞和深度評析,打造具有國際影響力的華語財經資訊平臺。 目前,第一財經品牌旗下的媒體平臺包括:廣播、電視、日報、周刊、網站、研究院。第一財經的衍生產品包括財經資訊產品和財經公關產品。財經資訊產品包括由第一財經研究院自主研發的財經資訊、宏觀及行業研究報告、指數以及企業咨詢業務等。財經公關產品包括論壇、榜單、會展、培訓、企業家俱樂部等形態。 China Business Network Co., Ltd. (CBN), solely owned by Shanghai Media Group (SMG), is the leading business information portal in China and the only professional business network focusing on investors. CBN operates on a range of platforms including television, radio, newspaper, weekly, research institute and websites. It shares Dow Jones, CNBC, Bloomberg L. P. and other information providers’ contents, market index, business and financial information. It has based its headquarter in Shanghai and provides the world with first-hand business and investment information about China. Shanghai Media Group (SMG) combines traditional and new media services including radio, television, newspaper and periodicals, internet, IPTV and etc. SMG is at present the second largest media group in China, competing with China Central Television (CCTV).
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