ABB在西安建立整流器制造基地http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年05月17日 23:31 北京商報
ABB, the leading power and automation technology group officially inaugurated in Xi'an ABB Xi'an High Power Rectifier Co., Ltd., one of ABB's global rectifier manufacturing bases, which is a win-win cooperation between the world's leading player ABB and China's leading player Xi'an XD Power Rectifier Co. Ltd. (XPR) of rectifier products. Dr. Brice Koch, President of ABB North Asia and Chairman and president of ABB China said at the inauguration ceremony, “the strong China economy offers a good business environment to all. To launch this global rectifier manufacturing base in Xi'an, the gate leading to the west frontier in China, shows ABB's further commitment to the 'west development' strategy of China.” ABB Xi'an High Power Rectifier Co. Ltd. started its operation in late 2005. Most of its customers are from the rapidly developing aluminium and chemical electrolysis industries. Dr. Remo Luetolf, head of Automation Product division of ABB North Asia and China emphasized, “ABB's high power rectifiers can effectively reduce power losses when converting Alternating Current into Direct Current, at the same time they provide high reliability and safety.” 電力和自動化技術集團ABB旗下的“西安ABB大功率整流器有限公司”今天正式開業。它是全球領先的ABB集團和中國整流器領頭企業——西電電力整流器有限責任公司——強強聯手、合作共贏的結果。 ABB北亞區總裁、ABB中國公司董事長兼總裁柯睿思在開業慶典上說:“中國經濟的快速發展也給ABB在中國帶來了良好的發展環境。我們將ABB全球的大功率整流器生產基地設在中國西部的窗口城市西安,也是對中國西部大開發戰略的進一步支持。” ABB北亞及中國自動化產品業務部負責人魯道夫強調:“ABB大功率整流器可以有效地減少交流電轉化為直流電時產生的電力損耗,同時確保產品和系統運行的可靠性與安全性。” 董莉