花旗銀行將投資500億美元參與環保項目http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年05月10日 22:51 北京商報
Citigroup Inc., the largest U.S. bank, said on Tuesday it plans to commit $50 billion to environmental projects over the next decade, the biggest commitment from Wall Street to address climate change. The amount includes nearly $10 billion in activities that the bank has already undertaken. Citigroup plans to increase to $10 billion from about $1 billion its commitment to reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions at its 14,500 locations worldwide. The bank operates in more than 100 countries. 全美最大銀行花旗集團周二表示,它承諾對未來10年的環保項目開發計劃出資500億美元,這是迄今為止為解決環境變化問題而來自華爾街的最大一筆承諾。 承諾中包括了花旗已對一些環保活動承擔近100億美元的出資。花旗計劃將此前為降低自己在全球1.45萬個業務地點的溫室氣體排放而承諾10億美元開支增加至100億美元。 董莉