ABB獲得6500萬美元起重機系統訂單http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月26日 23:32 北京商報
ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has received contracts worth more than $65 million to supply automation and electrical systems for 74 shipping cranes that will help raise productivity at ports in Asia. The cranes will be built by the Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company? Ltd. (ZPMC) of China, the world's largest crane manufacturer, for delivery in 2008 and 2009. The orders were booked in the first quarter of 2007. ABB will supply full crane automation and support systems, including controllers and software, low-voltage alternating-current (AC) motors and drives, electrical transformers and switchgear. ABB will also carry out project management, engineering, customer training and commissioning. 全球領先的電力和自動化技術集團ABB近日獲得了6500萬美元訂單,為74臺集裝箱裝卸起重機提供自動化與電力系統,此舉將會提升亞洲港口的生產效率。 訂單中的起重機將由全球最大的起重機制造商——上海振華港機(集團)有限公司建造。該訂單已于2007年第一季度簽訂,產品將于2008年和2009年交付使用。 ABB將提供全套的起重機自動化和支持系統,包括控制器及軟件、低壓交流電機和變頻器、電力變壓器和開關設備。此外,ABB還為此項目提供管理、工程、客戶培訓以及試運行服務。 董莉