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http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年03月23日 14:10 新浪財經



  CNBC Asia is extremely pleased to be associated with China Business Network’s Managing China. This is the first Mandarin-language show on CNBC and the first foreign-language show on any of CNBC’s three English-language channels.

  CNBC 亞太對于能夠與第一財經攜手合作《中國經營者》節目感到非常榮幸。《中國經營者》是迄今為止第一檔亮相CNBC熒幕的普通話中文節目,同時也是在CNBC所屬三個英文頻道中首次出現的外語節目。

  There is a lot of interest in China now around the world, so Managing China runs on CNBC Asia as well as on our sister channel CNBC World, which is our American channel devoted to business and financial news from around the world.


  Managing China joins a family of award-winning interview shows that includes CNBC’s Managing Asia and CNBC-TV18’s Managing India. We believe these three programs give viewers in Asia an excellent look behind the board room door at how companies are run and how executives and managers run their businesses.

  在我們看來,《中國經營者》儼然已經成為CNBC的訪談類獲獎王牌節目大家庭中的一員,這個家庭中還包括CNBC的《亞洲經營者(Managing Asia)》和CNBC電視第18頻道(CNBC-TV18)的《印度經營者(Managing India)》。我們相信這三檔節目將會為全亞洲的電視觀眾提供一個理性而深入的視角,從而透徹剖析公司決策層的操作內幕以及管理層的商業策略。

  For CNBC Asia, it is fascinating to bring Chinese executives and Chinese businesses to the rest of the region and the rest of the world. For many viewers, it is their first time to see and listen to the CEOs of leading Chinese companies. This makes the program extremely valuable for CNBC Asia and for the viewers.


  The interviews often get behind the headlines to give viewers a unique look at the challenges that face corporate leaders. The quality of the guests is excellent and the companies are interesting.


  One viewer from Indonesia said he watches the show every week to learn about business. Another says he has been inspired by some of the CEOs he has seen on Managing China and Managing Asia.


  Managing China allows viewers to hear about how executives make rough decisions and how they success, so viewers believe the program has helped them in managing their own small businesses. We’ve received a lot of positive viewer feedback about the show and many viewers are thankful that we added a program dedicated to Chinese executives.


  Managing is a challenge everywhere, but right now in China things are changing rapidly, making managing an even more challenging. Viewers believe that hearing directly from the CEOs of some of Asia’s most successful companies helps them in their work every day. One manager of corporate resources in Malaysia said the programs helped him manage the company through a difficult transformation.


  Managing China is a great addition to our schedule here at CNBC Asia.


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