道達爾CEO被警方詢問http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年03月22日 00:42 北京商報
The head of France's biggest listed company, oil group Total SA, is being questioned by police in a probe into alleged corruption in Iran, a spokesman for the company confirmed on Wednesday. Christophe de Margerie, who only moved up to the chief executive's post at Total last month, has been under investigation for several months by French judges probing corruption allegations linked to the Iraqi oil-for-food program and a gas project in Iran signed in 1997.De Margerie was head of exploration and production at Total before succeeding Thierry Desmarest as chief executive. 法國石油公司道達爾一名發言人昨日表示,由于涉嫌與該公司在伊朗的腐敗案件有關,該公司首席執行官馬哲睿正在接受法國警方詢問。 馬哲睿在上個月起才開始擔任道達爾首席執行官,但他已經被法國相關部門調查數月。警方懷疑馬哲睿在公司針對伊拉克的“石油換食品”政策中存在腐敗行為,此外,道達爾與伊朗國家石油公司1997年簽署的一份開發氣田的協議也存在諸多疑點。 在未接替鄧默涵道達爾首席執行官的職位之前,馬哲睿曾主管道達爾勘探與生產部門。 李薇