松下或購入LG飛利浦股份http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年02月15日 01:53 北京商報
Japan's Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. is emerging as a top candidate to buy new shares in LG.Philips LCD or existing shares from co-owner Philips, a newspaper reported on Wednesday. Philips Electronics of the Netherlands is widely expected to sell its 33 percent stake when its ownership lock-up period expires in mid-2007. “Matsushita officials inspected plants in Paju and Kumi at the end of last year,” the unnamed senior official of LG.Philips was quoted as saying in Wednesday's Korea Economic Daily.? 韓國一家報紙昨日稱,日本松下電器產業公司很可能購買韓國LG飛利浦公司的新股,或者購入飛利浦公司在LG飛利浦中的股份。 LG飛利浦是荷蘭飛利浦公司與韓國LG電子的合資公司。業內預測,在2007年年中持股閉鎖期結束后,飛利浦很可能會出售其所持有的33%LG飛利浦股份。 “松下電器的高官去年底在LG飛利浦位于坡州和龜尾的工廠視察,”熟知此次交易的一名LG飛利浦高官說,“那次視察是應松下電器的要求以了解液晶顯示器業務,但也是為了兩家公司未來可能進行的策略結盟。” 李薇