豐田因少報盈利被罰http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月04日 00:11 北京商報
Japanese automaker Toyota has been fined by Japanese tax authorities for failing to report more than $50 million in profits. The Nagoya regional taxation bureau said the undeclared income related to sales of car components to Australian and Brazilian subsidiaries and advertising expenses over a three-year period ending in March 2004. 日本豐田汽車公司日前因有超過5000萬美元利潤未向稅務部門上報,而被日本稅務當局罰款。 日本名古屋地方稅務局表示,豐田公司以過低的折扣價格向其在澳大利亞和巴西的子公司出售汽車零部件。與此同時,該公司還通過虛報廣告開支等方式少報利潤。 董莉