全球液晶電視市場今年增速將放緩http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月04日 00:11 北京商報
Rapid price declines will slow LCD TV revenue growth in 2007, according to market research firm iSuppli Corp. Worldwide LCD TV factory revenue will rise by 20 percent this year, expanding to $53.5 billion, up from $44.7 billion in 2006, according to iSuppli. This represents a 56 percent point decrease in growth compared to 2006, when LCD TV revenue increased by 76 percent, the firm said. Global LCD-TV shipments will rise to 62.5 million units in 2007, up 57 percent from 39.7 million in 2006, according to the firm. This 57 percent growth would be down dramatically from 95 percent growth in 2006, iSuppli said. According to research firm, the projected slowdown is attributed to the large volume of LCD TVs, which makes it difficult to maintain dramatic growth on an annual basis. Though Sharp Corp. continues to lead the LCD TV market worldwide, it has lost its dominance to Philips and Samsung in the North American market and now is ranked No. 3 in that market, according to iSuppli. OEMs like Philips, Samsung and Sony are aggressive in reacting to the market needs and changes as well as maintaining aggressive pricing when compared to Sharp, iSuppli reported. 市場調查公司iSuppli預測,在日益激烈的市場價格戰的影響下,2007年全球液晶電視市場的增速將大大放慢。 據該公司預測,全球液晶電視制造商的銷售收入2007年可望達到535億美元,比上一年增加20%,增幅達到56%,但遠低于2006年76%的增幅。 2007年全球液晶電視出貨量將達6250萬臺,相比2006年3970萬臺的出貨量增長了57%。雖然這一業績已相當不錯,但若與2006年出貨量增長95%的水平相比,還是相去甚遠。 另據iSuppli預測,增速放緩的主要原因是其開發成本下降,市場供應能力提升,無法迅速達到需求量。 在提到具體液晶電視制造商時,iSuppli指出,雖然夏普公司仍在全球液晶電視市場占據領先位置,但在北美市場,飛利浦和三星正在日益挑戰它的地位。 董莉