環科園區域項目http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年10月08日 14:35 新浪財經
一、標準廠房用地出租 Land Lease of Standard Factory Buildings 項目概述:Project Overview: 項目位于環保大道以南,新韶山路以東,占地面積162畝,規劃建筑面積65000平方米,其中:標準廠房50000平方米,配套服務設施15000平方米,包括大型食堂、超市、書店、員工公寓、科技創業服務中心(擬建)。擬作為湖南環保科技產業園引進高科技中小型企業的孵化基地,為中小型企業創業提供一個良好的發展平臺。 The project, situated to the south of Huanbao Dadao and to the east of Xinshaoshan Lu, covers a land area of 162mu and planning building area of 65,000 m2, of which, standard factory building 50,000 m2 and 15,000 m2 for auxiliary service facilities, including large dining room, supermarket, bookstore, employee’s apartment, and business incubation service center (proposed to build). It is proposed to serve as the incubation base to introduce the small and medium enterprises to Hunan Environmental Science & Technology Industry Park so as to provide a good development platform to the small and medium enterprises. 招商方式:Form of Investment Invitation: 入園企業租用土地進行廠房建設。 The enterprise investing in this park can build the factory buildings by means of land lease. 聯 系 人:尹中一 李洋生 Contact: Yin Zhongyi Li Yangsheng 聯系電話:0731-5079688 13508470499 13307319923 二、長沙紅星肉食品加工中心 Changsha Hongxing Meat Food Processing Center 承辦單位:長沙紅星實業有限公司 Sponsored by: Changsha Hongxing Industrial Co., Ltd 項目概述:Project Overview: 項目位于京珠高速公路以東,洞株路以南(白田村境內),距株洲、湘潭兩市20分鐘車程,是長沙、株洲、湘潭三市融城的最前沿。項目整體設計和建設均按照國際上先進的歐美肉食加工企業標準,擬引進國外(主要是德國)先進的屠宰、分割加工、副產品處理生產線、肉產品精深加工、冷卻、包裝生產線和國際標準的肉食加工技術,實行全封閉、流水線生產。肉食品加工的主導產品有白條分割肉、冷卻分割肉、冷凍四分體、精加工冷凍副產品、深加工肉食制品等,同時擬開展凝血酶、精品肝素鈉、低分子肝素鈉以及其他生化藥品、營養保健品原料等生物制藥。中心還將配套建設質檢中心、養殖基地、污水處理站等,實現養殖、活體檢疫、生產加工一體化。The project is situated to the east of Jingzhu Expressway and to the south of Dongzhu Lu (within the territory of Baitian Village). It is only 20 minutes’ drive to Zhuzhou and Xiangtan respectively and is the most near frontier in the convergence of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan Cities. The integral design and overall construction all refer to the international advanced standard of processing enterprises in Europe and America. It is proposed to introduce (mainly from Germany) the advanced butchering, sliced processing, processing production line of byproducts, fine processing of meat food, cooling, packing production line and international standard meet food processing technologies, to implement the fully sealing and flow-line production. The leading products in the meat food processing include carcass and sliced meats, frozen sliced meat, frozen separated meat, fine processed frozen byproducts, deep processed meat products, and so on. And meanwhile, it is proposed to develop the biological pharmacy of thrombin, fine heparin sodium, low molecular heparin sodium and other bio-chemical drugs and nutrition products. The project center will build the quality inspection center, breed aquatics base and sewage treatment station, etc. to realize the integration of breed aquatics, live specimen quarantine and production and processing. 中心一期規劃用地300畝,總投資3.9億元,年設計屠宰生豬300萬頭,處理豬副產品7.5萬噸,深加工品(生物制藥產品)5萬噸。中心已于2006年2月動工建設,2006年11月底竣工投產。 The planning land area in the first phase is 300mu, with a total investment RMB 0.39 billion. The designed annual butchering quantity is 3.00 million pigs and it will treat and process 75,000 tons of pig byproducts and it will deeply process 50,000 tons of biological pharmaceutical products. The construction of the processing center has been launched in February 2006 and it is predicted to completed and put into production by the end of November 2006. 招商內容及方式:Form of Investment Invitation: 1、與有實力的投資商進行資金、技術、市場開發的合資、合作;To carry out the joint venture and cooperation with the investors of firm strength in the respects such as funds, technology and market development. 2、誠邀冷鮮物流、配送等相關企業加盟;Invite relevant enterprises of chilled logistics and distribution to join in. 聯系單位:長沙市紅星實業有限公司/雨花亭街道辦事處 Organization: Changsha Hongxing Industrial Co., Ltd/Yuhuating Street Office 聯 系 人: 張平燦 李輝德 Contact: Zhang Pingcan Li Huide 聯系電話:13975124742 13808469718 Tel: 13975124742 13808469718 三、長沙汽車、工程機械及零配件生產基地 Changsha Autos, Engineering Machinery and Parts Production Base 項目概述:Project Overview: 基地位于長沙市南大門,長沙、株洲、湘潭三市的核心區域。兩條橫貫長沙南北的6車道主干路萬家麗路、新韶山路直達基地。基地占地2408畝。一期為生產客車整車及特種工程機械整車的美的三湘項目,占地900畝,300畝已建成投產;二期508畝零配件生產配套用地,已啟動200畝建設,另有308畝土地已具備開發建設條件,等待啟動;三期1000畝,為后續開發用地。 The base is situated at the south door of Changsha city and in the core zone of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan. The two 6-lane main avenues Wanjiali Lu and Shaoshan Lu, running through from South to North in Changsha city, put their ends at this base. This base covers an area of 2400mu, the first-phase land (Media Sanxiang) is applied to produce and manufacture the complete buses and special vehicles of engineering machinery, covering an area of 900mu, of which, 300mu has been completed and put into production. The second-phase 508mu land will be applied to produce automobile parts, of which 200mu has been used and the other 308mu has had the initial condition for development and construction, which is just waiting for initialization. The third-phase 1000mu land is the land for follow-up development. 基地定位:Base Orientation: 以汽車和工程機械為核心,積極引進國內外的汽車、工程機械及零配件項目,對省內支柱企業進行重點配套,并通過湖南長沙承東啟西、聯南貫北的物流優勢,輻射周邊的省市。 The base will be centered on automobiles and engineering machinery to actively introduce the automobile, engineering machinery and parts projects at home and abroad so as to give key support to provincial backbone enterprises, and meanwhile radiate to surrounding provinces and municipalities by making use of Changsha logistics advantages of South/North and East/ West connecting link. 招商方式: Form of Investment Invitation: 土地出讓。出讓價格在土地開發成本價基礎上優惠40%,如遇規模大、實力強、投資快的優勢企業,園區可采取“一事一議”的方式予以優惠。 Land transfer. The transfer price will be given a 40% favor on the basis of land development cost price. In case of a large-scale, powerful and fast-investing preponderant enterprise, the park will offer the preference by means of “one policy for one project”. 四、洞井洪塘綠色食品加工基地 Dongjing Hongtang Green Food Processing Base 承辦單位:雨花區人民政府 雨花區洞井鎮人民政府 Sponsored by: People’s Government of Yuhua District, People’s Government of Dongjing Town 項目概述:Project Overview: 洞井洪塘綠色食品加工基地位于京珠高速以東,圭白路兩廂,基地由雨花區人民政府和雨花區洞井鎮人民政府統一提供兩安土地出租和部分建設用地出讓的形式,按照政府規劃、市場運作、分期實施的原則,對外招商投資建設。基地以品牌綠色食品加工業為主體,土地一期規劃面積350畝,總投資2.5億元人民幣。基地具體建設由投資方實施,投資方依據入園各食品加工企業的要求統一規劃布局、統一供熱、統一供氣、統一排污、統一供電、統一供水、統一員工生活區、統一辦公、統一洽談區、統一產品展示區。基地已納入雨花區重點工程建設項目,享受雨花區重點工程建設項目的所有優惠政策。進入基地的企業實行封閉式管理、一站式收費。The Dongjing Hongtang Green Food Processing Base is situated to the east of Jingzhu Expressway and on two sides of Guibai Lu. The base will invite the foreign investment in terms of the principle of government’s planning, market operation and phase implementation under the approval of the people’s governments of Yuhua District and Dongjing Town in a form of land lease and land transfer. It specializes in the processing of brand green food. The planning land area in the first phase is 350mu, with a total investment of RMB 0.25 billion. The specific construction of the base shall be carried out by the investors who will unify the planning layout, the heat supply, gas supply, sewage drainage, power supply, water supply, living area of the staff and workers, office area, negotiation area and exhibition area of products. The base construction has been listed in the key construction projects in the Yuhua District and enjoys all preferential policies of key construction projects in the Yuhua District. The close-ended management and one-counter charging service will be carried out to the enterprises entering into the base. 招商內容及方式:Form of Investment Invitation: 1、基地建設招商:投資方回報采取廠房租賃或出讓收益的形式回報。Investment invitation of base construction: investors will be rewarded in a form of factory building lease or benefit transfer. 2、入園企業招商:入園企業可以租賃廠房或者由基地投資商根據企業的要求建好廠房,供企業整體租賃辦廠。 Investment invitation of enterprises entering into the park: the enterprises can lease the factory buildings or open their businesses after the base investors have built the factory buildings according to enterprises’ requirements. 聯系單位:雨花區洞井鎮人民政府/雨花區洞井鎮洪塘村 Organization: The people’s government of Yuhua District/ Hongtang village of Dongjing Town 聯 系 人:聶聞濤 肖國民 Contact: Nie Weitao Xiao Guomin 聯系電話:07315636018 07315636042 13973181478 13308412508 五、長株潭物流基地 Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Logistics Base 項目概述:Project Overview: 項目位于長沙市京珠高速與繞城高速交叉口的西南角,與長沙花卉大世界相鄰,規劃占地面積約700畝,總投資約5億元人民幣,擬建設成為具備倉儲、分撥、配送功能并延展物流中轉、數據交換功能、聯運功能于一體的現代物流實體,并配套貨運配載中心、物流配送中心、流通加工中心等,各類貨物的吞吐量超過500萬噸。物流基地用地交通、區位優勢明顯,發展前景十分廣闊,將構筑全國一流的現代物流大市場。 The base is situated at the southeast of cross of Jingzhu Expressway and RoundCity Expressway, adjacent to Changsha Flowers World, with a planning area of about 700 mu and total investment of RMB 0.5 billion or so. It is proposed to build the modern logistics entity integrated with storage, allocation, distribution, logistic transfer, data exchange, and through-transport functions, and associated with freight loading center, logistic distribution center, circulation processing center, etc. The turnover of various freights or goods exceeds 5.00 million tons. The base has a convenient traffic and distinctive location advantage. 招商方式:Form of investment invitation 土地出讓。如遇規模大、實力強、投資快的優勢物流企業,園區可采取“一事一議”的方式予以優惠。 Land transfer. In case of a large-scale, powerful and fast-investing preponderant enterprise, the park will offer the preference by means of “one policy for one project”. 六、園區配套服務項目 Auxiliary Service Projects in the Park 項目概述: Project Overview: 園區配套服務項目主要為入園工業企業提供生產、生活、商務配套服務。包括園區金融商貿中心以及園區生活住宅開發。 The auxiliary service projects are mainly to provide production, living and business service to the industrial enterprises investing in this park, including land development of financial business & trade center, living residence in the park. (一)、園區金融商貿中心用地開發: 1. Land development of financial business& trade center 金融商貿中心用地位于環保大道以南、萬家麗路兩廂,總面積約900 畝,市政基礎設施已經到位,可供商貿、金融、酒店、寫字樓辦公,市場拓展升值空間較大。The use land of financial business & trade center, located to the south of Huanbao Dadao and on two sides of Wanjiali Lu, covers an area of about 900mu, which is available for business & trade, finance, hotel, office building. Municipal infrastructure works have been carried out and finished. Furthermore, it has a huge space for market expansion and value increase. (二)、園區生活住宅用地開發: 2. Land development of living residence 生活住宅用地位于環保大道以北,繞城高速以南,新韶山路兩廂,總面積約1400畝。項目距省政府3公里,交通便捷,環境宜人,自然景觀較好。根據園區的總體規劃,該區域將進行住宅小區的建設。The use land for living residence in this park, situated to the north of Huanbao Dadao and south of Roundcity Expressway and on two sides of Xinshaoshan Lu, covers an area of about 1400mu. It is only 3 kilometers to the People’s Government of Hunan Province. It has a convenient traffic and beautiful landscape and scenery. According to the overall planning of the park, the residence community will be constructed in this park. 招商方式: Form of Investment Invitation: 土地出讓。如遇規模大、實力強、投資快的優勢企業,園區可采取“一事一議”的方式予以優惠。 Land transfer. In case of a large-scale, powerful and fast-investing preponderant enterprise, the park will offer the preference by means of “one policy for one project”. 七、清泉寺生態旅游休閑區 項目概述:Project Overview: 泉寺生態旅游休閑區位于京珠高速以西,振華路以南,總面積950畝(其中山地830畝,水面120畝),該地塊森林覆蓋率較高,周邊環境現狀保護良好,自然生態資源充沛,自然景觀要素多元,區域內有千年古剎清泉寺,在長沙市享有“北有開福,南有清泉”之美譽。項目的建設須注重自然生態的保護和利用,總投資3億元人民幣。 Qingquan Temple Ecological Tour and Entertainment Resort, situated to the west of Jingzhu Expressway and to the south of Zhenhua Lu, covers an area of 950mu (including mountainous land 830mu and water area 120mu). The forest coverage rate in this land is higher, and surrounding status quo is well preserved. It has rich natural ecological resources and multiple natural landscapes. There erects the ancient Qingquan Temple with a history of 1000 years, which is praised as “Kaifu Temple in North and Qingquan Temple in South” in Changsha city. Attention of protecting and using the natural ecology must be paid to during the project construction with a total investment of RMB 0.3 billion. 招商內容:Contents of investment invitation (一)翠禪水境大酒店 (1) Cuichan Shuijing Hotel 擬建設一座占地150畝,總建筑面積為4-6萬平方米,含客房350間,同時配套中西餐飲、茶藝、酒吧以及康樂休閑為一體的四星級運動休閑酒店。 It is proposed to build a four-star sports and entertainment hotel, which covers a land area of 150mu and total building area of 40,000-60,000 m2 (including 350 guest rooms) and which combines with Chinese-Western restaurants, tea culture, bars and amusement and entertainment. (二)配套休閑項目 (2) Auxiliary Entertainment Projects 1、清泉寺:對原有清泉寺進行整體修繕,完善清泉寺內外主體建設。 Qingquan Temple: to carry out the overall repair and amendment to the original Qingquan Temple and perfect the main architectures in and out of the Temple. 2、內湖水上游樂場項目:利用天然的120畝水面進行水上游樂項目開發建設,建休閑木屋,形成人水互動的休閑環境。 Water amusement park in the lake: use the natural 120mu water surface to develop and construct the water amusement park, and build the water chalet, so as to form the human-water interactive entertainment environment. 3、隱逸幽谷開發建設項目:利用原始的680畝山地。建設隱逸天地和隱居樂兩大休閑項目 Development and construction project of hermit glen: use the original 680mu mountainous land to build the hermit paradise and the hermit amusement park. 1)隱逸天地:修建休閑景點,分別表現陶淵明詩中的田園式的隱逸情趣、莊子游戲人間的處世態度、老子提倡的處虛守柔、保身全真的人生境界。 Hermit paradise: to build the entertainment attractions to present the pastoralism in the Tao Yuanming’s Poem, Zhuang Zi’s conduct attitude in ancient society, and Lao Zi’s human life state. 2)隱居樂:修建古茅屋民居,形成鄉居樂趣。The hermit amusement park: to build the ancient thatched cottage and civilian houses to form the rural amusement and pleasure. 招商方式Form of Investment Invitation: 獨資、 合資、合作。Sole proprietorship, joint venture, and cooperation 聯系單位:湖南環保科技產業園管理委員會 Organization: Management Committee of Hunan Environmental Science & Technology Industry Park 聯 系 人:莫 偉 彭 聃 Contact: Mo Wei Peng Dan 聯系電話:0731-5079666 5079679(傳真 Fax) 13875944211 13875874958 Tel/Phone:
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