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http://whmsebhyy.com 2006年06月17日 16:55 21世紀經濟報道



  紐約時報:Chinese Official Sees Private Role On Environment.這篇稿子來自

  BEIJING,June 5——China's pollution problems cost the country more than $200 billion a year, a top official said Monday, as he called for better legal protection for grass-roots groups so they could help clean up the environment.


  Zhu Guangyao, deputy chief of the State Environmental Protection Agency, said that the importance of private environmental groups in China had lagged behind their role in other countries, and that his agency wanted to play a more important role in developing ''legislation to secure their interests and existence in China.''

  美聯(lián)社:China says it needs help from NGOs as environmental price tag tops US$200 billion a year. 中國說它的環(huán)保成本高達每年2000億美元,迫切需要非政府組織的幫助。跟前面提到的紐約時報采用的同樣來自美聯(lián)社的文章相比,這篇文章稍長一點,頭兩段是這樣的,

  BEIJING (AP) - China's pollution problems cost the country more than US$200 billion (euro150 billion) a year, a top official said Monday as he called for better legal protection for grassroots groups so they can help clean up the environment.

  Damage to China's environment is costing the government roughly 10 percent of the country's gross domestic product, estimated Zhu Guangyao, deputy chief of the State Environmental Protection Agency. China's GDP for 2005 was US$2.26 trillion.


  洛杉磯時報:Pollution Getting Worse, China Admits; A government report cites a `conflict between environment and development.'這篇文章是該報北京分社記者寫的,篇幅超過500字,發(fā)在國際版。


  The report issued by the State Council, China's Cabinet, is the latest in a string of rare admissions by the Communist Party leadership that it has not done enough to prevent environmental damage.


  亞洲華爾街日報:China takes on pollution —— Beijing makes safety of drinking water a critical priority. 中國要對污染問題采取行動,北京要把飲用水的安全問題放在首要位置。在當天發(fā)表的同題新聞當中,這篇最長,超過600字。頭兩段是這樣的,

  BEIJING -- China's government said ensuring access to safe drinking water is its top environmental priority, as the country struggles to contain heavy industrial pollution of major river basins and cope with recurring droughts in the north.

  In a policy white paper issued yesterday to mark the United Nations' World Environment Day, Beijing said a shortage of resources and a fragile ecology "are becoming critical problems hindering China's development." But it said its chief problem is ensuring adequate supplies of clean water for the population, adding that it plans "the most stringent measures to dispel potential risks of pollution of the sources of drinking water."




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