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http://whmsebhyy.com 2006年05月12日 15:57 新浪財經

  Mr. Tong Zixian, one of the four outstanding founders of Asus Computer,now vice chairman of Asus Computer, takes charge of the operation of the administration, human resource, finance, production and manufacturing etc. With ten years of hard ward and stable operation, he together with his partners creates the legend that Asus Computer becomes an international IT giant from the original small company.

  Mr. Tong Zixian obtained his master's degree in the Computer Communication Research of National Taipei University of Technology and took the position of vice director-general of Taipei Computer Association, In 1990, After working as senior engineer for many years, Mr. Tong Zixian left Acer Computer and established Asus Computer with other three partners. He took the position of the first general manager and made place for Mr. Shi Chongtang in the future. Though 15 years of development, Asus Computer grew up rapidly in Taipei’s hi-tech industry. The company soon becomes an IT Aircraft Carrier with over 62000 employees throughout the world, whose branches covers more than 20 countries and regions and business income exceeded USD10.6 billion in 2005 fiscal year.

  Since Asus Computer was established, Mr. Tong Zixian took charge of the finance control and business flow management and made Asus Computer maintain a good finance status all the time. Under his strict control, Asus Computer’s reliable finance police was never affected by the external factors. Such unbelievable persistence provides a strong support for Asus Computer’s multiple developments in several product fields in a short time.

  At the same time, as the general principal of the R&D center, Mr. Tong Zixian fully affirms the ideology of combining the modern technology, traditional culture, and humanism art. He also strongly supports the establishment of Asus Industrial Design Center and Asus Mould Development Team, which ensure Asus laptop’s extraordinary development from 2002. At the beginning of 2005, when the Southeast Asia suffered from the tsunami, Mr. Tong Zixian and Asus Computer’s other leaders raised RMB 25 million aid fund, which further embody the flexible humanism spirit.

  As his flexible management method “In the It industry, if the machine and workshop are taken as arms, the management is touching the trigger in the proper time”, Mr. Tong Zixian continues to exploit and activate new energy for Asus Computer.



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