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Program (tentative)

http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年10月31日 14:27 新浪財經

8:30 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:50

Opening and Keynote Session One

Conference Hall

Keynote speakers:
Ø         Title to be determined
ZHOU Xiaochuan
, Governor of the People’s Bank of China
Ø         Financial innovation and financial regulations
LIU Mingkang
, Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission
HU Shuli, Editor, Caijing Magazine

9:50 - 11:20

Session OneWorld and China Macroeconomic Forecast

Conference Hall

Authoritative economists and strategists present their macro-economic forecast of the world and regions, and exchange views on economic development trends in China and its impact on the world economies. 

Ø         The world economy: headed for more turbulence?
, Chief Economist, Global Insight
Ø         China’s macroeconomic trends
, Vice Minister, Office of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs, P.R. China
Ø         Japan’s economic policy and trends
, President, The 21st Century Public Policy Institute
Ø         The imbalance of the world economy and China’s monetary policy
YU Yongding
, Director-General, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Ø         Eight big questions about Asia
, Managing Director and Head of Asia-Pacific Economics, UBS
LI Jiange, Vice President, Development Research Center of State Council, P.R. China

11:20 - 11:30

Tea Break

11:30 - 12:15

Session TwoDialog on International Trade

Conference Hall

Trade experts exchange views on the current state of international trade and tackle trade issues in bilateral and multilateral systems.

Ø         Key challenges of China-Europe economic and trade relationship
, Deputy Head of Delegation, European Commission to China
Ø         The global multilateral trade system and China’s opening
LONG Yongtu
, Secretary-General, Boao Forum for Asia
Ø         The trade relationship of China-Europe and China–US under globalization
Marjorie YANG
, Chairman and CEO, Esquel Enterprises Limited
Moderator: WANG Shuo,
Managing Editor, Caijing Magazine

12:15 – 13:00


Conference Hall A (invitation only)


13:00 - 14:30

Roundtable Discussions




Function Room 2,

Arcade Level






Function Room 9B,

Arcade Level






Function Room 8B,

Arcade Level



Function Room 6,

Arcade Level


Function Room 4,

Arcade Level

Industry regulators, experts and analysts engage in interactive and stimulating discussions on sector development opportunities and trends in China and abroad.  
Roundtable One
: International Investment in China
Ø         How do overseas investors see China opportunities?
Ø         How should Chinese government adjust its policies?
Ø         The reality and difficulties of foreign investors’ involvement in China’s SOE reform (in particular MBO)
Ø         The role of oversea capital in China’s capital market development

Tadakatsu SANO
, Former Vice Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
Chang SUN
, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus Asia LLC
, President, CCMP Capital Asia Investment Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

K B CHANDRASEKAR, Head of Corporate Strategy and Development, Asia Pacific, HSBC
LAO Yuan Yi
, Chairman and Managing Director, First Shanghai Investments Ltd.
Moderator: ZHANG Jiwei, Assistant Managing Editor, Caijing Magazine

Roundtable Two
: Technology Innovation
Ø         The role of the government in technology innovation
Ø         Why do Chinese enterprises spend less on technology innovation?  How to overcome?
Ø         Unique cases of sustainable innovation capabilities of Chinese enterprises
Ø         The driver of intellectual property protection - should it come from outside pressure or the necessity of China's economic structural reform?

CAO Shumin
, Vice president, China Academy of Telecommunication Research, MII
DUAN Yongji
, Chairman, Stone Group
SHEN Xiangjun
, General Manager, China Cable TV Network
, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Professional Corporation
Moderator: WANG Yichao, Senior Journalist, Caijing Magazine

Roundtable Three: Issues on Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers
Ø         The definition of agricultural economy
Ø         Issues of financial services system to support rural economic development
Ø         Agricultural sector reform and sustainable environment
Ø         Issues of urbanization

  KE Bingsheng, Director, Agricultural Economy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture
LIU Shouying
, Research Fellow, Development Research Center of the State Council, P.R. China
WEN Tiejun
, Dean, School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China
, Chief Economist, Representative of the Asian Development Bank in China
FANG Xinghai
, Deputy Director, Office of Financial Affairs, Shanghai
LU Lei, Chief Researcher, Caijing Magazine 

Roundtable Four: Real Estate and Capital Markets

Ø         The impact of macro-adjustment program and the trends and updates in 2006

Ø         The opportunity of accessing international capital markets for Chinese real estate companies

Ø         The impact of the source of capital on the business models for real estate companies

Ø         How to achieve alliances between real estate companies and financial institutions?

HA Jiming
, Chief Economist, China International Capital Corporation Limited
Shawn XU
, Vice Chairman, Beijing Gao Hua Securities Co. Ltd.
, Chairman and CEO, Beijing Guohua Real Estate Co. Ltd.
, Head of China, Merrill Lynch Global Principal Investments
Joseph C. HU
, President, Standard & Poor's China
Moderator: YANG Daming, Editor, Caijing Magazine 

Roundtable Five: Opening and Development of China’s Insurance Industry
Ø         How to balance the opening of investment channels and risk control of China's insurance industry?
Ø         How should domestic insurance companies manage investment risks?
Ø         Best practices of foreign insurance companies and the prospect of working together with Chinese companies

LI Kemu
, Vice Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission
, COO, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd.
, Chairperson, Insurance & Fund Management Working Group, European Union Chamber of Commerce on China
Raymond LI
, Principal of Actuarial Services, KPMG
Moderator: Bun Yuen WONG, Editor and Head of Chinese Language Services, Reuters

14:30 - 14:40

Tea Break

14:40 - 15:40

Keynote Session Two: Achieve economic and social sustainable development


Keynote speaker:
Ø         Achieve economic and social sustainable development through three critical steps
WU Jinglian
, Economist, Development Research Center of the State Council, P.R. China

Masahiko AOKI
, Emeritus Professor, Stanford University
QIAN Yingyi
, Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley 
HU Shuli, Editor, Caijing Magazine

15:40 - 17:05

Session ThreeState-owned Enterprise Reform and Restructuring

Conference Hall

Policy makers and business leaders exchange views and experiences of Chinese state-owned enterprise reform and restructuring process to gain competitiveness

Ø       The new era of SOE reform
, Vice Chairman, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, P.R. China
Ø         China Mobile:  Work step-by-step to achieve solid progress
WANG Jianzhou
, President, China Mobile Communications Corporation
Ø         SOEs can be restructured – evidence from Europe
, Director, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics
Ø         The oversea investment in China’s SOEs
, Managing Director, Templeton Asset Management Ltd.
Ø         The compensation mechanism of SOE reform
, President, China Worldbest Co. Ltd.
FANG Fenglei, Chairman, Goldman Sachs Gao Hua Securities Co. Ltd.

17:05 - 17:15

Tea Break

17:15 - 18:40

Session FourBanking Reform and Financial Market Development

Conference Hall

Policy makers and bankers tackle the most pressing issues in developing and strengthening the financial and capital markets and institutions in China

Ø         Reform strategies of state owned commercial banks
JIANG Jianqing
, Chairman and President, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.
Ø         The practice of deepening corporate reform and enhancing corporate  governance at Bank of Communications
ZHANG Jianguo
, President, Bank of Communications Co. Ltd.
Ø         The reform and development of China Construction Bank
CHANG Zhenming
, President, China Construction Bank Corporation
Ø         A new perspective:  the internationalization of China’s commercial banks
, Executive Assistant President, Bank of China Ltd.
Ø         Banking reform from international perspectives
, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs & Co.
Moderator:  SHAN Weijian, Managing Partner
, Newbridge Capital Ltd.Closing and Keynote Session Three

18:40 - 19:30

Closing and Keynote Session Three

Conference Hall

Keynote Speaker:
Ø         The reform and development of China’s capital market
, Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission
Ø         The internationalization and competition of China’s insurance industry
WU Dingfu
, Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission
Moderator: WANG Boming, Chairman, The Stock Exchange Executive Council

19:30 - 21:00

lCaijing Gala Dinner

Conference Hall A (invitation only)

Keynote speaker:

WANG Qishan, Mayor of Beijing

    (Note: the schedule and speakers are in the process of final confirmation.)



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