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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年07月22日 21:54 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4677項目名稱: 教育部門項目支持國 家: 馬拉維類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:數量調查、建筑管理和監督咨詢貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-07-22截止日期:2005-08-25項目介紹:This invitation for expressions ofinterest followsthe General Procurement Notice for this projectthat appeared in UNDevelopment Business No. 645 dated 31 Decr2004.The Government ofMalawi in in the process of receiving a grantfrom theInternational Development Association (ID
A) of the WorldBank,toward the cost of the Education Sector Support Project 1,andintends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.Theservices include provision of consultancy services related totherehabilitation, extension and new construction of facilitiesfortraining of secondary school teachers at Chancellor CollegeinZomba and Malawi Polytechnic in Blantyre. The consultancyservicesto be provided will be in the fields of assessmentofrehabilitation needs, architecture, structuralengineering,electrical/mechanical engineering,water/drainage/sanitationengineering, quantity surveying,topographical and geo-technicalsurveying, landscaping, drawing,construction management.Therequired pre-contract output of theconsultancy services willinclude survey of rehabilitation needs,topographical andgeo-technical surveys, master plan, block plans,including designand technical drawings, technical specifications,bills ofquantities, confidential cost estimates, and biddingdocuments forinternational competitive bidding of therehabilitation andconstruction works, and related fixed furnitureand equipment,based on an agreed Program of Requirements, withrelatedpre-determined budget for the civil works, and in accordancewiththe consultation, collaboration, reporting and approvalprocedures,as laid down in the Architect’s Brief and servicecontract. Therequired post-contract output, during the constructionand defectsliability period, will include contract management forcivil works,with related installations, fixed furniture andequipment,permanent site supervision of the works, and inspectionand testingof installations, fixed furniture and equipment.Onbehalf of theMinistry of Education, the Education DevelopmentManagement Unit(EDMU) now invites eligible consultants to expresstheir interestin providing the services. Interested consultantsmust submit theinformation showing that they are eligible andqualified to performthe services, including company brochures,detion of experience ofsimilar assignments in comble situations,availability ofappropriate skills among key staff. Consultants mayassociate toenhance their qualification. Expressions of Interestmust be in theEnglish language.Consultants will be selected inaccordance withthe procedures set out in the World Bank’sGuidelines: Selectionand Employment of Consultants by World BankBorrowers, May 2004. Inassessing submissions, consideration will begiven to the technicalcompetence of the consultant, experience ofcomble projects,managerial capability, liquidity of the firm, andcapacity, in allrespects, to undertake the assignment. Onlyconsultants withdemonstrated experience and good track record incomble assignmentswill be considered for short listing.This is nota Request forProposal. After the review of the Expressions ofInterest, a shortlist will be prepared. Shortlisted consultantswill be invited tosubmit their proposals on the basis of a Requestfor Proposals,which includes the specific Terms of Reference fortheassignment.In case of questions, interested consultants mayrequestclarification at the address, telephone, fax and e-mailcontactsindicated below from 08:00 to 12:00 hours and 13:00 to17:00 hours,local time, Mondays to Fridays, excludingpublicholidays.Expressions of Interest must be delivered to theaddressindicated below before 15:00 hours, local time, on 25August2005.Contact:The Chairman.Internal ProcurementCommittee.Ministryof Education.Through: Education DevelopmentManagement Unit(EDMU).Lilongwe Old Town.Rainbow Paints Building(next to AminaHouse).off Chilambula Road.1st Floor, Room No.3.Private Bag53.Lilongwe, Malawi.Attention: J.T. Kambalametore,ProjectDirector-EDMU.Tel: (265-1) 750-828.Fax: (265-1)750-822.E-mail:edmu@malawi.netNotice Number:WB1268-660/05



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