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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年07月20日 17:41 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4664項目名稱: 首都城市運輸項目國 家: 俄羅斯類 屬: 其他資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:城市交通設備采購貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標號碼:發布日期: 2005-07-20截止日期:2005-08-25項目介紹:TheRussian Federation has received financing fromthe World Banktoward the cost of the Moscow Urban TransportProject, and itintends to apply part of the proceeds towardpayments under thecontract for the procurement of trafficenforcement equipment forMoscow Traffic Police. The Moscow CityGo
vernment now invitessealed bids from eligible bidders for theprocurement of vehiclesfor mobile traffic enforcement, contract/BidNo.MUTP/Police/G-14.Bidding will be conducted throughtheinternational competitive bidding procedures as specified intheWorld Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans andIDACredits, January 1995 (revised in January and August 1996,Septr1997, and January 1999), and is open to all eligible biddersasdefined in the guidelines.Interested eligible bidders mayobtainfurther information from and inspect the bidding documentsfrom theClose JSC 揑nstitut Promos攁t the first address below duringofficehours (1000 to 1600 hours) Moscow time. A complete set ofbiddingdocuments in English (with translationotniRussian) maybepurchased by interested bidders on the submission of awrittenapplication to the first address below and upon payment ofanon-refundable fee of Rub 2,800 (including VAT 18 per cent ) oranequivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. The methodofpayment will be direct payment to the accountNo.40702810600000001162 with the Bank of RespublikanskyCreditnyAlyans, Correspondent Account No. 30101810800000000802,BIK044579802, INN 7728264523. The document will be sent by airmailforoverseas delivery and surface mail or courier forlocaldelivery.All bids must be accompanied by a bid security ofRub233,000 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertiblecurrency,and be delivered to the second address below by 12 00hours on 25August 2005. They will be opened immediately thereafter,in thepresence of bidders?representatives, who choose to attend, atthesecond address below. Late bids will be rejected.Contact:(1)CloseJSC 揑nstitut Promos?Attn: Mr. Georgy.A. Tseytlin,GeneralDirector.64A, Leninsky Prospect.119296, Moscow,RussianFederation.Tel: (7-095) 132-75-51.Fax: (7-095)132-75-57.E-mail:promos@promos.ru.(2) The Moscow ProjectImplementation UnitFoundation.Attn: Mr. Pavel G. Majouga, ExecutiveDirector.29,Prospekt Vernadskogo, office No. 804.Moscow 119331,RussianFederation.Tel: (7-095) 138-1081.Fax: (7-095)138-2380.E-mail:mutp@mail.rmt.ruNotice Number:WB2101-659/05



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