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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年07月19日 19:05 商務部網站


  Development of Jiudongtian


  Zongxihe River Tourism Attraction inNayongCounty

  Introduction: Located in the bordering area of Nayong CountyandDafang County in Bijie Prefecture, Jiudongtian—ZongxiheRiverTourism Attraction has a length of 23 km and a planning areaofabout 150 km2, with the average elevation of 1240 m, averageannualtemperature of 19℃, and the average flow of 54.5 m3/s. It isastate-level key tourism attraction with various, beautiful andwildlandscapes, including the unique waterfalls, mountains,stones,rivers, and caves, famous for their ancient style, naturalbeauty,uncommon forms, natural barrier and peacefulenvironment.

  Total investment and ways of cooperation:Thetotalinvestment of the project is 43 million yuan RMB; the waysofcooperation can be sole proprietorship orcooperativeoperation.

  Market Forecast and analysis of return on investment:Afterthecompletion of the project, the tourism area can receive100thousand tourists (admissions) and the gross annual incomecanreach 20 million, with an annual profit of 6 million (providedthatthe profit rate is 30%). The payoff period is estimated to be7years.Organizer: Tourism Bureau in Nayong CountyProjectsite:HuazuoTownship, Weixin Town, Nayong County, Bijie Prefecture,GuizhouProvinceContact: Wang JiangTel: (0857) 3521393Fax: (0857)3521393Post code: 553300E-mail: Huagang7@yahoo.com.cn




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