項目編號: GJZB_NO.4637項目名稱: 廣州市中心交通項目國 家: 中國類 屬: 交通資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:空中交通安全管制控制設備貸款/信貸號碼: 貸款號:4329-CHA合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-07-15截止日期:2005-08-31項目介紹:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice for this project that appeared in UNDevelopmentBusiness No. 659 of 31 July 2005.The Government of thePeople抯Republic of China (PRC) has received a loan in variouscurrenciesfrom the International Bank fo
r Reconstruction andDevelopment(IBRD) toward the cost of the Guangzhou City CenterTransportProject. It is intended that part of the loan proceedswill beapplied to eligible payments under the contract(s) forsupplyingSCATS traffic signal controlling equipment.The ChinaInternationalTendering Company (CHINA ITC), for and on behalf ofthe GuangzhouCity Center Transport Project Office, invites sealedbids fromeligible bidders for the following equipment:· Package No.1: SCATStraffic signal controlling equipment (1 set)Bidders mustbid forthe whole package.EligibilityQualification RequirementsA.Theannual minimum required construction cash flow amount of thebiddershould not be less than the sum of RMB 9,000,000 equivalentB.Thedomestic bidder or the sponsor of a joint venture shouldhavequalification certificate of grade II or above issued bytheMinistry of Information Industry for computer systemintegration;the sub-contractor or mrs of a Joint Venture shouldhave thecorresponding system qualification certificate issued byMinistryof Information Industry. The foreign bidder must havetheequivalent similar qualification.C. The bidder mustprovideoriginal printed samples of manufacturer. Any samplesprinted bycomputer or photo copy may be rejected.D. The biddershould providethe copy of the business license or businessregistrationcertification and letter of reference issued by bank.E.Others asper Section VII Technical Specifications.Bidding will beconductedthrough the international competitive bidding proceduresspecifiedin the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRDLoans and IDACredits, January 1995 (revised in January and August1996 and inSeptr 1997, January 1999), and is open to all biddersfrom eligiblesource countries as defined in theguidelines.Interested eligiblebidders may obtain furtherinformation and inspect the biddingdocuments at the ChinaInternational Tendering Company at the firstaddress below, between0930 and 1130 hours and from 1330 to 1530hours (Beijing time), from14 July 2005 (Saturdays, Sundays andholidays excepted).A completeset of Bidding Documents in Englishmay be purchased by anyinterested bidder on the submission of awritten application to theChina International Tendering Companyand upon payment of anonrefundable fee US$ 120 or RMB?1,000. Themethod of payment willbe cash, cashier抯 check or direct deposit.The document will be sentby mail.Bids must be delivered to theMeeting Room of the GuangzhouCity Center Transport Project Office(second address below) at orbefore 1000 hours (Beijing time) on 31August 2005, and beaccompanied by a security amount of not lessthan 2 per cent of thetotal bid price or an equivalent amount in afreely convertiblecurrency. They will be immediately thereafter,in the presence ofthe bidders who choose to attend, at the sameaddres of delivery.Late bids will be rejected.Contact:(1) ChinaInternational TenderingCompany, Procurement Agent.5th Floor,Genertec Plaza, No. 90, Xi SanHuan Zhong Lu.Fengtai Dstrict,Beijing 100055 China.Tel: (86-10)6334-8281, 6334-8565.Fax: (86-10)6337-3576.E-mail:luwei@itc.genertec.com.cn.(2) Guangzhou CityCenter TransportProject Office.Meeting Room.15th Floor, No. 318,Dong Feng ZhongLu.Guangzhou 510030 China.Tel: (86-20) 8363-0420,8363-0103.Fax:(86-20) 8363-0200Notice Number:WB2038-659/05