項目編號: GJZB_NO.4625項目名稱: 供水系統改進項目國 家: 尼維斯島類 屬: 供水/衛生資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:一般性采購貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:4065-SLU合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-07-14截止日期:1900-01-01項目介紹:The Government of Saint Lucia hassecured a loan inthe amount of US$ 3.85 million equivalent from theInternationalBank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and acredit in theamount of US$ 3.85 million equivalent from theInternationalDevelopment Association (IDA) towar
d the cost of theSaint LuciaWater Supply Infrastructure Improvement Project and itintends toapply the loan and credit proceeds for goods, works,relatedservices and consulting services to be procured underthisproject.The overall development tive of the project is toassistthe Borrower in carrying out critical water infrastructureworksdesigned to (a) provide more efficient, continuous andreliablewater service to the north of Saint Lucia and (b) maintainthepatronage and support of commercial users within thesystem.TheProject will support a short- term investment program tocarry outcritical works to alleviate the water shortage in thenorth of thecountry. (The infrastructure works proposed will allowthe utilityto supply the entire north of the island with a moreefficient,continuous and reliable service.)Component A -InfrastructureImprovement Works: This component includes thefollowinginfrastructure improvement works, and will be implementedas aturnkey contract due to the urgent nature of the works andtheclose inter-relationship among the activities.· Upgrade theRoseaudam pumping station through (a) replacement of existingpump-motorassemblies to facilitate a pumping capacity ofapproximately 10million gallons per day, and (b) additional workswhich mayinclude, inter alia, provision of voltage conditioningequipment,upgrade of switchgear, installation of adjustable speeddrives,upgrade of pipe works, and replacement of standby generationtoaccommodate increased power supply requirements ofthepumping-motor assemblies;· Improve raw water transmissionbetweenVanard and Sarrot through the installation of (a) a 24-inchductileiron pipe between Vanard and Sarrot, and (b) jointrestraints atriver crossings located between Millet and Vanard;·Upgrade of theTheobalds water treatment plant to a capacity of 10million gallonsper day through the installation of additionaltreatment units;and· Upgrade of the Morne Bocage distributionpipeline through theconstruction of required works, using theexisting or analternative design approach that responds to thesupply needs,which may include the installation of a new (a) pumpstation atCiceron, (b) pumping line with capacity to meet waterdemands up to2.53 million gallons per day, (c) storage tank of200,000 imperialgallons at Morne Fortune, (d) gravity maintransmission pipelinelinked to storage tanks at Morne and Morne DuDon, and (e) storagetank of 100,000 imperial gallons atBabonneau.Component B:Technical Assistance and Project Management:·Oversight andmonitoring of the quality of works performed bycontractors hiredunder Part A of the Project;· Carrying out ofstudies on the waterresources of the Roseau River, includinganalyses of (a) thehydrological capacity of the Roseau dam andreservoir system, andpossibly of other surface water sources, (b)the potential forincreasing the capacity of the Roseau dam throughengineeringimprovements, and (c) safety and environmentalconsiderationsrelated to such activities; and· Carrying out of agroundwaterresources study to determine the quantity, quality andpotentialuse of groundwater in Saint Lucia.Procurement of contractsfinancedby the loan and credit will be conducted through theprocedures asspecified in the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurementunder IBRDLoans and IDA Credits, May 2004 and is open to biddersfrom allcountries as defined in the guidelines. Consulting serviceswill beselected in accordance with the World Bank抯 Guidelines:Selectionand Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers,May2004.Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid undertheWorld Bank抯 International Competitive Bidding (ICB) proceduresandlarge-value consultants?contracts will be announced as theybecomeavailable, in UN Development Business, the Saint LuciaGazette andin the local newspapers of Saint Lucia.Interestedeligible bidderswho wish to be included on the mailing list toreceive aninvitation to bid under the ICB procedures, andinterestedconsultants who wish to receive a copy of theadvertisementrequesting expressions of interest for large-valueconsultant抯contracts, or those requiring additional information,shouldcontact the address below:Contact:ProjectCoordinator.Ministry ofFinance, International Financial Servicesand Economic Affairs.3rdFloor.Financial Centre, BrideStreet.Castries, Saint Lucia.Tel:(1-758) 468-4486/5039.Fax: (1-758)453-0417.E-mail:slupcu@planning.gov.lcNoticeNumber:WB2063-659/05