項目編號: GJZB_NO.4627項目名稱: 國家環境分析項目國 家: 越南類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:咨詢服務貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標號碼:發布日期: 2005-07-14截止日期: 2005-07-25項目介紹:TheWorldBank intends to finance the assignment/services describedbelowunder a budget allocation from trust funds.The assignment isforpretion of a Country Environmental Analysis of VietNam抯environmental management framework, capacity, and performancethatwill be used to guide environmental poli
cy dialogue andenhanceintegration of environmental issuesotniCountryAssistanceStrategies, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers,Development PolicyLending operations, and other developmentprograms.Theinternational and local team of consultants woulddevelop the CEAin a collaborative manner with the Viet Nam Ministryof Environmentand Natural Resources, the Ministry of Industry, andotherdevelopment partners. The CEA will (i) analyze trendsinurbanization, industrialization, provide medium term projectionsinmanufacturing sector development, uses of natural resources,andhighlight key challenges of these, in light of, inter alia,tradeliberalization and state owned enterprise reform; (ii)analyzeenvironmental policy and regulatory frameworks andtheeffectiveness of their implementation in addressingthesechallenges; and (iii) propose specific improvements to thepolicyframeworks and measures for their implementation.The WorldBank nowinvites eligible consultants to indicate their interestinproviding the services. Interested consultants mustprovideinformation indicating that they are qualified to performtheservices (brochures, detion of similar assignments, experienceinsimilar conditions, availability of appropriate skills amongstaff,etc.). Consultants may associate to enhancetheirqualifications.Consultants will be selected in accordance withtheprocedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: SelectionandEmployment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers,May2004.Interested consultants may obtain further information attheaddress below from 0830 to 1730 hours.Expressions of interestmustbe delivered to the address below by no later than 1600 hourson 25July 2005.Contact:World Bank Office in Viet Nam.PhillipBrylski.63Ly Thai To Street.Hanoi, Viet Nam.Tel: (84-4)934-6600.Fax: (84-4)934-6597.E-mail:Pbrylski@worldbank.orgNoticeNumber:WB2062-659/05