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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年07月13日 17:26 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4616項目名稱: 財政服務發展項目國 家: 阿塞拜疆類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:咨詢服務貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標號碼:發布日期: 2005-07-13截止日期:2005-07-25項目介紹:TheGovernment of Azerbaijan has received a creditfrom InternationalDevelopment Association (IDA) toward the cost ofthe FinancialServices Development Project (FSDP), and intends toapply part ofthe proceeds for consultant services. Ministry ofCommunication andInformation Technology (MOCIT) no
w wishes toengage a consultantwho would work with the TIU and the Azeri PostImplementation Teamto implement the FSDP. The consultant抯assignment would be to:·Confirm the Azeri Post nal requirements forthe applicationsoftware packages needed to: (i) improve Azeri Postinstitutionaland management ns (such as accounting, budgeting,assetmanagement); (ii) improve delivery capacity or profitabilityofservices and product lines already offered in the AzeriPostnetwork; and (iii) provide a technical basis neededforintroduction of new services and products in the network.·Preparea comprehensive set of technical specifications for theapplicationsoftware, with input from Azeri Post and MOCIT and incoordinationwith the PCU. The application software packagesidentified duringFSDP pretion are provided in Annex 1. Thetechnical specificationsshould include training and technicalassistance needed to masterthe use of software packages by AzeriPost.· Provide information tothe TIU and PCU on availability ofsoftware packages of the typeneeded by Azeri Post, and informationregarding their suppliers,cost and quality of support. Prepare apreliminary cost estimatefor the proposed solutions. Identifyopportunities for ensuring thebest cost/benefit for the acquisitionand implementation of theneeded software packages.· Assist inevaluation of bids. Careshould be taken to satisfy the prioritizedrequirements of AzeriPost, yet the costs of needed modificationswill have to be clearlyidentified and weighed against their desiredbenefits. Assist witha comparison of the pros and cons of thepossible solutions. Assistin contract negotiations, as needed.TheProject Coordination Unitnow invites eligible individualconsultants to indicate theirinterest in providing the services.Interested consultants mustprovide information indicating that theyare qualified to performthe services (brochures, detion of similarassignments, experiencein similar conditions, availability ofappropriate skills amongstaff, etc.).A consultant will be selectedin accordance with theprocedures set out in the World Bank抯Guidelines: Selection andEmployment of Consultants by World BankBorrowers, May2004.Interested consultants may obtain furtherinformation at theaddress below from 0900 to 1800 officehours.Expressions ofinterest must be delivered to the address belowby 25 July2005.Contact:Project Coordination Unit.Attn: RustamTahirov.32 R.Behbudov St.Baku 1014 Azerbaijan.Tel: (994-12)493-1122 Ext.348.Tel/Fax: (994-12) 497-3970.E-mail:tahirov.rustam@nba.azNoticeNumber:WB2040-659/05



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