項目編號: GJZB_NO.4617項目名稱: 廣州市交通運輸中心項目國 家: 中國類 屬: 其他資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:中央電視臺系統貸款/信貸號碼: 貸款號:4329-CHA合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-07-13截止日期:2005-08-31項目介紹:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice for this project that appeared in UNDevelopmentBusiness No. 659 of 31 July 2005.The Government of thePeople抯Republic of China (PRC) has received a loan in variouscurrenciesfrom the International Bank for Reco
nstruction andDevelopment(IBRD) toward the cost of the Guangzhou City CenterTransportProject. It is intended that part of the loan proceedswill beapplied to eligible payments under the contract for CCTVmonitoringsystem.The China International Tendering Company, for andon behalfof the Guangzhou City Center Transport Project Office,invitessealed bids from eligible bidders for the followingequipment.·Package No.1: CCTV monitoring systemBidders should bidfor theentire package.EligibilityQualification RequirementsA. TheAnnualMinimum Required Construction Cash Flow amount of the Biddershouldnot be less than the sum of RMB 3 million equivalent;B.Havingsuccessfully completed more than 2 contracts of CCTVMonitoringSystem in last 5 years. A brief note on each contractshould beappended, describing the name, date and the place of thecontract,the nature of the work, duration and amount of contractand otherrelevant details. The copy of the successful bid notice,contract,Acceptance Certificate issued by the Employer and/or theAcceptanceReport should be appended.C. The domestic Bidder shouldhavequalification certificate or license for securitytechnicalprevention engineering, construction and maintenanceissued by therelevant government department; the foreign biddershould have theequivalent qualification certificate.D. If an agentsubmits bids onbehalf of more than one Manufacturer, unless eachsuch bid isaccompanied by a sete bid form, and a bid security foreach bid,and authorization from the respective manufacturer, allsuch bidswill be rejected as non-responsive.E. Manufacturer shallhaveexperience in designing and manufacturing similar equipmentwhichis equivalent or superior to the one proposed in thetechnicalspecifications, which has been successful used in twoprojects inlast five years. The contracts and acceptance reportshould beprovided.F. The bidder must provide original printedsamples ofmanufacturer. Any samples printed by computer or photocopy shallbe rejected.G. The proposed Equipment must have theCertificate forChina Compulsory Product Certification (3C) for theequipmentsupplied within China. As for equipment supplied fromoutsideChina, the equipment certification acceptable to thepurchasershall be provided.H. The bidder should provide the copy ofthebusiness license or business registration certification andletterof reference issued by bank.I. The bidder should havepermanentservice subsidiary/center (subject to the Industrial andCommercialAdministration Bureau抯 License) or give commitment ofestablishingthe project/service department or agent after awardedthecontract.J. Bidders should have ISO9001 /9002 certificateorequivalent.Bidding will be conducted through theinternationalcompetitive bidding procedures specified in the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, andisopen to all bidders from eligible source countries as definedinthe guidelines.Interested eligible bidders may obtainfurtherinformation and inspect the bidding documents at theChinaInternational Tendering Company at the first address below,between0930 and 1130 hours and from 1330 to 1530 hours (Beijingtime),from 14 July to 31 August 2005 (Saturdays, Sundays andholidaysexcepted).A complete set of Bidding Documents in Englishmay bepurchased by any interested bidder on the submission of awrittenapplication to China International Tendering Company at thefirstaddress below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of US$120 orRMB?1,000. The method of payment will be cash, cashier抯 checkordirect deposit. The document will be sent by mail.Bids mustbedelivered to the Meeting Room of the Guangzhou CityCenterTransport Project Office (second address below) at or before1500hours (Beijing time) on 31 August 2005, and be accompanied byasecurity amount of not less than 2 per cent of the total bidpriceor an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. Theywillbe immediately thereafter, in the presence of the bidderswhochoose to attend, at the same addres of delivery. Late bids willberejected.Contact:(1) China International TenderingCompany,Procurement Agent.5th Floor, Genertec Plaza, No. 90, Xi SanHuanZhong Lu.Fengtai Dstrict, Beijing 100055 China.Tel:(86-10)6334-8281, 6334-8565.Fax: (86-10)6337-3576.E-mail:luwei@itc.genertec.com.cn.(2) Guangzhou CityCenter TransportProject Office.Meeting Room.15th Floor, No. 318,Dong Feng ZhongLu.Guangzhou 510030 ChinaNoticeNumber:WB2037-659/05