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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年07月12日 18:17 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4596項目名稱: 石家莊市城市交通項目國 家: 中國類 屬: 公路資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:橋梁建設貸款/信貸號碼: 貸款號:4600-CHA合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-07-11截止日期:2005-08-09項目介紹:This invitation for Bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice for this project that appeared in UNDevelopmentBusiness No. 529 of 29 February 2000.The Government ofthe People抯Republic of China had received a loan from theInternational Bankfor Reconstruction and Development (IBRD
) towardthe cost of theShijiazhuang Urban Transport Project, and it intendsto apply partof the proceeds of this loan to payments under thecontract forHeping-Tiyu Flyover Construction Project (Contract No.CI/06.1):Thesite scope is from Yucai Street (west side) to HuayaoEast Street(east side). The construction work includes Heping RoadCrossingTiyu Grade Setion Project. The total length is 1037.000 m.Theproperty line width of the road is from 60 to 65 meters. Thetotallength of the bridge is 466.820m and the width is 25.5m withthedouble-way six-lane type. The bridge structure adoptsthecontinuous beam structure (detailed in the drawings of Chapter10).The cross sectional arrangement of the ground road adopts4-roadwayroad. The setion strip is set in the center or the flyoveris usedfor setion. The pavement of the carriageway adopts theflexiblepavement. The sidewalk adopts the color concrete sidewalkslabs.The drainage pipe uses the high-density polyethylene(HDPE)pipe.We, China International Tendering Company, acting forand onbehalf of the Employer, Shijiazhuang Urban TransportProjectOffice, now invite you and other bidders to submit sealedbids forthe execution and completion of the cited contract.You mayobtainfurther information from, and acquire the bidding documents,at ouroffice from 9:00-16:00 hours (Beijing Time) from 23June2005.Address: China International Tendering Company,Room511,Genertec Building , No.90 of Xi San Huan Zhong Lu,Beijing,100055,ChinaTel: 0086-10-63348281/8564Fax: 0086-10-63373576.Acomplete setof bidding documents in English may be purchased by youat theabove office and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of CNY1500 orUS$ 200.All bids must be accompanied by a bid security inthe formand amount specified in the bidding documents, and mustbedelivered to the following address at or before 10:00hours(Beijing Time) on 9 August 2005. Bids will be openedimmediatelythereafter in the presence of bidders?representativeswho choose toattend.Eligibility of bidders:GeneralConstructionExperience:(a)Successful experience as prime contractorin theexecution of at least two projects of a nature andcomplexitycomble to the proposed contract (or parts of the proposedcontractin case of a Joint Venture) within the last five years;(b)RequiredAverage annual turnover: the last three years shall not belessthan US$ 10 million for each year.(c) For domesticbidders:Thebidder shall have Certification of Municipal PublicConstructionGrade I-Prime ContractorParticular ConstructionExperience:(a) Thecontractor or Joint Venture lead Partner shouldhave successfullycompleted bridges with 25,000m2 and municipalroads with 100,000m2equivalent in urban area in one year withinlast five years.(b) Allthe documents that support bidder抯particular constructionexperience must be notarized.(c) Theapplicant should provide thequalification certificate of ISO9002(or equivalent).FinancialCapabilitiesIn case of a JV bidder, the JVshall meet the followingrequirements of financial capabilities:Theapplicant shoulddemonstrate that he has access to, or hasavailable, liquid assets,lines of credit, and other financial meanssufficient to meet theminimum construction cash flow (Not includingthe applicant抯commitment for other contract.):Contract No.CI/06.1:Heping-TiyuFlyover Construction Project: not be less thanUS$ 2.5millionContact:Address: China International TenderingCompany.Room511, Genertec Building , No.90 of Xi San Huan ZhongLu.Beijing,100055, China.Tel: (86-10) 63348281/8564.Fax:(86-10)63373576.E-mail: cjtzbgsq@heinfo.netNoticeNumber:WB1959-659/05



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