項目編號: GJZB_NO.4605項目名稱: 教育部門發展項目國 家: 阿塞拜疆類 屬: 其他資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:一般性采購貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3769-AZ合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-07-12截止日期:1900-01-01項目介紹:This is an update to the generalprocurement noticepublished in UN Development Business No. 636 of16 July 2004.TheAzerbaijan Republic has received a credit from theInternationalDevelopment Association (IDA) in the amount of aboutUS$ 18 milliontoward the cost of the Education Sec
tor DevelopmentProject, andintends to apply the credit proceeds to payments forworks, goods,related services and consulting services to beprovided under thisproject.Procurement of contracts financed by thecredit will beconducted through the procedure specified in theWorld Bank抯Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDACredits, January1995 (revised January and August 1996, Septr 1997and January1999), and is open to all bidders from eligible sourcecountries asdefined in the guidelines. Consulting services will beselected inaccordance with World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection andEmploymentof Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 1997(revised Septr1997 and January 1999 and May 2002.)The followingwill be procuredunder the project:· Civil works which includerefurbishment of: (i)Teacher Training Institutes; and (ii) schoolsin pilot rayons.·Goods which include: (i) procurement of furniturefor thedepartments of the Ministry of Education, pilot institutionsandschools; (ii) procurement of database management software forEMIS;(iii) procurement of subject software for schools; and(iv)procurement of audiovisual equipment for schools in pilotrayons.·Consulting services which include: (i) services ofteacherdevelopment specialist; (ii) Development of building normsandstandards for general education schools; and (iii)architecturaland engineering studies.· Training which includes:(a)study tourson: (i) curriculum management and policy; (ii) educationmanagementsystem; (iii) management of teacher education; and (iv)schoolfinancing system.(b) fellowship programs on: (i) CurriculumReform,(ii) Teacher Development; (iii) Financing and BudgetingReforms;(iv) EMIS; (v) Education Management and Planning; and (vi)AppliedEducation Research.Specific procurement notices forcontracts to bebid under the World Bank抯 International CompetitiveBidding (ICB)procedures and for large-value consultants?contractswill beannounced, as they become available in UN DevelopmentBusiness andin national newspapers.Interested eligible bidders whowish to beincluded on the mailing list to receive an invitation tobid underICB procedure and interested consultants who wish toreceive a copyof the advertisement requesting for expression ofinterest forlarge value consultants contracts or those requestingadditionalinformation should contact the addressnotedbelow.Contact:Education Sector Development Project.TheMinistry ofEducation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.ProjectCoordinationUnit.49, Khatai Ave.1008 Baku, Azerbaijan.Tel: (994-12)963-759,963-760.Fax: (994-12) 963-761.E-mail:erustamov@edu.gov.azNoticeNumber:WB2022-659/05