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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年07月12日 15:54 商務部網站

運于一體的物流中心與之相配套,而隨著東山越發成為國內外投資的熱點,這個物流中心的投建將會更加看好。項目建設規模:總投資800萬美元,項目占地100畝,容積率為0.7,建成后總倉儲建筑面積4萬平米,及與之相配套的各種貨運、包括叉車計算機集成管理,實時監控、消防自動報警和噴水滅火等系統。項目效益分析:該項目投產后,正常年可盈利200萬美元,投資利潤率25%,投資回收期4年。項目招商方式:獨資、合作和合資項目進展情況:該項目已作總體規劃,項目計劃用地已完成五通一平。NO.17Centerfor materials circulationContract company:Dongshan economicandtechnical developed regionLinkman of theproject:TuCongmeiTel:0596-5885007Fax:0596-5885790Emal:detdz@detdz.comFeasibilityof the project:Dongshan is located betweentwo special economicdistricts, Xiamen and Shantou, abutting toTaiwan, Hongkong andMacao, with a first level national port andconvenienttransportation in land, ocean and air. It is connectedwithZhangzhou-Shantou express way, and transportation for land,air andland is convenient with largely radiating market.161factories havebeen putotniproduction since the national economicregion was set,and the projects include aquatic industry, produceof beverage, foodin cans, hardware, producing of shoes, furnitureand costumes, andother intensive enterprises. The commoncharacters of theseenterprises are large quantity, large volumeand heavy weight, whichrequires a center for materials circulationto be built as soon aspossible. The investment for the center formaterials circulationwill be more promising with development inDongshan.Constructionscale:total investments 8 million USdollars,area of land for theproject is 100 acres,floor area ratiois 0.7,total architecturalarea of the storage is 40000㎡,which willmatch various freightincluding cross integration management toimplement real timeinspection, fire control and alarm system andautomatic sprayingsystem.Analysis for profits:After the project isput toproduction,annual profits are generally 2 million USdollars, profitrate of investment is 25%,the payoff period ofinvestment is 4years.Bidding manner: exclusive investment,cooperation and jointventureProgression of the project:generalplanning has been done tothe project,and five passage clearanceand one smoothness has beendone for the site of the project.




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