及主要內容:1、新造四艘鋼質漁輪、一艘冷藏運輸船2、改造四艘鋼質漁輪、一艘冷藏運輸船3、改造十艘木質漁船、一艘冷藏運輸船項目總投資及合作方式:估算總投資4900萬元(折590萬美元),合作方式為我方提供合作漁船,投資方負責資金。經濟效益分析:每艘船月均捕魚500噸,產值100多萬元,年產值每艘可達近千萬元,純利潤可達百萬元。前期進展情況:已與印尼方進行可行性合作洽談,準備向農業部申請出國從事遠洋作業生產指標。項目配套政策:參照國家政策執行,福建省海洋與漁業局給予每艘遠洋作業船15-50萬元貼息資金支持,地方政府每艘作業船將給予5萬元獎勵,減免其它雜費。NO.22Collaborationwith oceanic tow net workContract company:fishermanAssociation ofDongshan County(Address: Tonglin Town of DongshanCounty )Address ofthe project:Dongshan County, FujianLinkman ofthe project:ZhangWushou and LiFusheng(Tel:0596-5681158、5681573)Necessityofconstructions:Dongshan County is a fishery count in Fujian,andfishery technique is mature here. At present there are almostonethousand of 300-horsepower fishing boats, among which there are20400-horsepower or above boats. Recently the fishery productionisreducing, and mrs from the association are sent to theIndonesiafor cooperation and tour of observation for oceanicfisheryindustry. Through the research, our association has madeaagreement with relevant Indonesian departments for collaborationofexploration of tow net resource. The future of the collaborationisperspective.Construction scale and main contents:1. 4 steelfishingships and one transportation ship for cold storage to bemade2. 4steel fishing ships and one transportation ship for coldstorage tobe reconstructed3. 10 wooden fishing ships and onetransportationship for cold storage to be reconstructedTotalinvestments andmanners for collaboration:estimated totalinvestments are RMB4.9million( equal to 5.9 million US dollars),themanner ofcollaboration is that we provide fishing boats and theinvestingside will provide capitals.Analysis for economicprofits:theproduction capacity of every ship can be 500 tons ,theproductionvalue is more than 1 million RMB,annual production valueper shipcan be almost 10 million RMB,and neat profits can be 1millionRMB.Progression of early construction: a discussion has beenmadewith Indonesia for cooperation, and we are to ask MinistryofAgriculture for production index for oceanicwork.Complementarypolicies for the project: Referring to thenational policies,RMB150000-500000 pay interest funds are allocatedfor every ship bybureau of Ocean and Fishery Industry of Fujian,and other fareswill be reduced or dismissed too.