專業種類的水產批發中心。項目效益分析:本項目預計投產后,年可實現盈利70萬美元,投資回收期6年,并使現有東山及閩南一帶沒有大型專業水產批發的現狀得到改觀。項目進展情況:項目已作總體規劃及可行性論證。NO.16Wholesalecenter for aquatic productsContract company:Dongshaneconomic andtechnical developed regionLinkman of theproject:LinWanquanTel:0596-5885007Fax:0596-5885790Emal:detdz@detdz.comFeasibilityof the project:Dongshan is located betweentwo special economicdistricts, Xiamen and Shantou, abutting toTaiwan, Hongkong andMacao, with a first level national port andconvenienttransportation in land, ocean and air. It is connectedwithZhangzhou-Shantou express way, and transportation for land,air andland is convenient with largely radiating market. Theaquaticproducts are very abundant, with annual production capacityof morethan 300000 tons,and more than 60000 acres of variousshellfish andalgae, and thousands of acres of breeding of abalone,and tens ofthousand of acres for freshwater aquatic breeding. Theconstructionof the wholesale is based on the convenienttransportation andabundant resources.Construction scale:totalinvestments 4 million USdollars, total area of land for theproject is 200 acres. Aprofessional wholesale center for aquaticproducts will be setup.Bidding manner: exclusive investment,cooperation and jointventureAnalysis for profits:after the projectis put intoproduction,annual profits can be 0.70 million USdollars,the payoffperiod of investment is 6 years, and thesituation that there is nolarge-scale professional wholesalecenter for aquatic products inDongshan and South Fujian will bechanged.Progression of theproject:general planning and analysis offeasibility have been doneto the project.