項目編號: GJZB_NO.4588項目名稱: 經濟復原結構調整項目支持國 家: 阿根廷類 屬: 財政金融貸款總額:(單位:百萬美元)發布日期: 2005-07-08 工程類別:項目介紹:進展階段:Loan signingistentatively scheduled for late August 2005.詳細介紹:The project aimsatsupporting the country’s efforts to consolidate economicrecoveryby addressing pending structural reforms in the financialandpublic utilities sectors and by improving the investmentclimate,and enhancing competitiveness and export pote
ntial ofexisting andnew enterprises, particularly those of small and mediumsize. Loansigning is tentatively scheduled for late August2005.Environmental Assessment Category: EnvironmentalAssessmentCategory U. PID: 83982. US$ 500.0 (IBRD). No consultantsarerequired. Ministry of Economy and ProductionHipolito Yrigoyen250,5to Piso, 1310 Buenos Aires, Argentina, Contact: GerardoHita,Director Nacional de Proyectos con Organismos InternacionalesdeCr閐ito. Tel: (54-11) 4349-6352