項目編號: GJZB_NO.4579項目名稱: 財政服務發展項目國 家: 阿塞拜疆類 屬: 財政金融貸款總額:(單位:百萬美元)發布日期: 2005-07-07 工程類別:項目介紹:進展階段:Approved by theExecutiveDirectors on 6 January 2005.詳細介紹:The tive of the projectis toimprove access to financial services in rural areas throughthepostal system and further upgrade the national paymentssysteminfrastructure. Approved by the Executive Directors on 6January2005. Environmental Assessment Category: Environm
entalAssessmentCategory C. PID: 81616. US$ 12.3 (IDA). Consultants willberequired. National Bank of AzerbaijanBaku, Azerbaijan, Contact:Mr.Rustam Tahirov. Tel: (994-12) 973-970. Fax: (994-12)935-541E-mail: tahirov.rustam@hba.az