Project Name: Straw Cellulase Pretion and the Development ofItsProductsCooperation Form: cooperation, jointventureUndertaker:Jixi Luyuan Biologicals Company Ltd.LiaisonPerson: Mr. Cheng, Mr.ZhangHandphone: 13836521135 ,13359961109Postcode: 158200GeneralSituation: Now the companyoccupies an area of 25,000 m 2 , amongwhich the area of workshop is1760 m 2 , and the area of warehouseis 1870 m 2 ; 3.5 million Yuanhas been invested, plan to produce6000 tons of straw cellulase
ayear. Straw cellulase is a kind ofcompound enzyme, as well asbiocatalyst, which can hydrolyze fibreto creat cellobiose andglucose etc and is widely used in thetrades of food, forage,textile, Chinese herbal medicineabstraction, paper making, oilextraction, brewage, sewagetreatment and tobacco. Materials andMarket: There are 300,000 mouof paddy field in the county. JilinTownship is a Korean autonomoustownship, which has 100,000 mou ofpaddy field and annuallyproduces 300,000 tons of straw, materialsaresufficient.Anticipated Investment and BenefitAnalysis:TotalInvestment: 57 million Yuan (RMB)Sales Income: 42million Yuan(RMB)Profit and Tax: 6.58 million Yuan (RMB)