中國(河南)新鄉對外合作項目XINXIANG FOREIGN INVESTMENT PROJECT,HENAN,CHINA大型智能振動機械產業化項目項目名稱:大型智能振動機械產業化項目項目概況:太行振動公司生產的大型智能振動機械產品是機電一體化的高科技主導產品,廣泛應用于冶金、煤炭、礦山、建材、化工、交通等行業及部門,包括:微機監控TDS(TDLS)橢圓等厚振動篩、HR熱礦振動篩、SL雙通道冷礦振動篩,QLS強力篩、非諧振式輸送裝置等。均采用微機系統進行全過程的監控,對振動機械的多種參數進行測量和分析處理,檢測技術達到了世界先進國家
的技術水平,在國內獨此一家。該項目是河南省計委于2000年批復的重點技改項目,又被列為我省重大產品結構調整項目。項目建成達產后,可形成年產橢圓等厚振動篩、熱礦振動篩、雙通道冷礦振動篩、強力篩各200臺;年增銷售收入55800萬元,利潤8456萬元,投資回收期5年。項目總投資:13342萬元合作方式:合資承辦單位:河南太行振動機械股份有限公司承辦單位概況:河南太行振動機械股份有限公司是聞名全國的從事振動機械、電子及環保設備的開發和生產制造的國家級高新技術企業。公司下設振動機械設計研究所、新鄉太行振動機械配件分廠、新鄉太行聚氨酯篩板分廠支機構,共占地8.5萬平方米,現有職工1200人,其中,工程技術人員300人,總資產1.8億元,固定資產5000多萬元,年產值2億元。項目聯系人:黃全利聯系電話:0373-5592809傳真:0373-5592823郵編:453731河南省新鄉縣對外貿易經濟合作局電話:0373-5085968傳真:0373-5085968地址:河南省新鄉市南干道57號郵編:453003網址:WWW.zybd.cnXINXIANGFOREIGNINVESTMENT PROJECT,HENAN,CHINAIndustrialization of theHeavy DutyIntelligent Vibrating MachineryDetion of the ProposedProject :Vibrating machinery is used widly in metallurgicalindustry , coalindustry , mining industry , building materialsindustry , chemicalindustry , traffic , etc. It is key equipmentin the productionprocess . Including : Ellipse Equal--ThicknessVibrasieve Monitoredby (TDLS) Computer , Hot--mine Vibrosieve , SLdouble--channel coldmine vibrasieve , QLS series high power sieve, non--resonatingconveying equipment , etc . The products of theHeavy DutyIntelligent Vibrating Machinery are the hi--new--techleadingproducts . The whole prosess is monitored by microcomputertomeasure and analyses various meters . The checkout technologyhasreached advanced international level , filling national blank .Theproject is a key technological transformation project approvedbyHenan Provincial Planning Commission in 2002 and a projectofimportant shift in product mix listed in Tenth Five--year Planof Henan Province . After the completed can formEllipseEqual--Thickness Vibrasieve , Hot--mine Vibrosieve,double--channel cold mine vibrasieve , series high power sieveeach200 sets . Annual added sale income will be RMB 558 million,profit RMB 84.56 milion , refunding period is 5 years.Totalinvestment for the project : RMB 133.42 millionFormsforcooperation : Joint--ventureUndertaken by : Henan TaihangVibratingMachinery Co. LtdDetion of the Undertaken unit :HenanTaihangVibrating Machinery Co. Ltd is famous for itsvibro--machinery ,environmental protection equipment , furthermorethe modernmanufacture technique , the evelopment and the productionofproduct made it as the high--tech industry enterprise in thewholenation . The company is made of Vibrating Machinery DesignResearchInstitute , Xinxiang Taihang Vibrating Machinery PartsBranchFactory and Xinxiang Taihang Polyurethane Sieve BranchFactory . Itcovers 85,000 square metre , 1200 staff , include 300engineers andtechnicians . Total capital and property is RMB 180million , fixedcapital and property is to be RMB 50 million , theannual outputvalue is to be RMB 200 million .Project Manager :Huang QuanliTEL :0373--5592809FAX : 0373--5592823P.C. : 453731HENANXINXIANG COUNTYFOREIGH TRADE AND ECONOMICCOOPERATIONBUREAUTel.:0373-5085968Fax:0373-5085968Add.:NO.57NANGANROAD,XINXIANG CITY,HENAN信息來源:機械電子頻道子站)