項目編號: GJZB_NO.4546項目名稱: 甘肅省和新疆省畜牧業發展項目國 家: 中國類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持:世界銀行摘要: 咨詢服務貸款/信貸號碼: 貸款號:4718-CHA合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-07-04截止日期:2005-07-08項目介紹:The People抯 Republic of China hasreceived a loanfrom the World Bank and a grant from the GlobalEnvironment Fundand intends to use part of their proceeds forfunding of consultantservices. Gansu Provincial and XinjiangRegional Project ManagementOffices assisted by the
Foreign EconomicCooperation Center,Ministry of Agriculture, invites expressions ofinterest fromeligible consultants to supply consulting services fortwoassignment to be contracted setely.· 1. Provide technicalandmanagement support for the implementation of the GEF componentofthe project in the following areas: (1) managerial support;(2)monitoring and supervision; (3) planning and coordinationoftraining program, applied research activities, and other TAinputs;(4) support implementation of the Environmental ManagementandMonitoring Plan; and (5) inter-agency and donor coordination;and·2. Design and implement an integrated program for monitoringandevaluation of project impact and outcomes. The monitoringandevaluation (M&E) program will focus on a wide range ofissues,including the project抯 overall development impact (includingtheGEF component), and its specific socio-economic andenvironmentalimpact.The timeline for both assignments assumes astart date inthe Fall of 2005 and completion within about fouryears.Eligibleconsultants are invited to indicate their interest inproviding theservices. Interested consultants must provideinformationindicating that they are qualified to perform theservices(brochures, detion of similar assignments, experience insimilarconditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff,etc.).Consultants are encouraged to associate, especially withlocalinstitutes, to enhance their qualifications.Consultants willbeselected in accordance with the procedures set out in theWorldBank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants byWorldBank Borrowers January 1997 (revised Septr 1997, January 1999andMay 2002).Interested consultants may obtain further informationatthe addresses below.Expressions of interest must be deliveredtothe address below by 1700 hours on 8 July 2005.Contact:Mr.GengDali.Livestock and Fisheries Division.Foreign EconomicCooperationCentre.Ministry of Agriculture.Beijing, China.Tel:(86-10)6500-3273, 6419-5588 ext. 2403.Fax: (86-10)6500-3273.E-mail:gengdali@agri.gov.cn, xjwzxmb@vip.163.com,caojh16@163.comNoticeNumber:WB1909-658/05