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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年07月04日 18:10 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4093項目名稱: 健康部門改革項目國 家: 羅馬尼亞發布日期:2005-04-07截止日期:2009-12-31項目介紹:Sector:Population, Health andNutritionDateApproved:16 Decr 2004Total Cost:US$ 206.49 millionMainFinancingSource:European Investment Bank (US$ 81.72million)AdditionalFinancing: IBRD (US$ 80 million), Borrower (US$44.77million)Completion Date:31 Decr 2009ImplementingAgencies:Ministryof Health, Str. Ministerului Nr. 1-3, Bucharest,Romania, 70109Tel: (40) 1314-1526 Fa
x: (40) 4312-4916, E-mail:acannen@ms.rotivesand Detion:The Second Romania Health SectorReform Project providesmore accessible services, of increasedquality and with improvedhealth outcomes for those requiringmaternity and newborn care,emergency medical care, and ruralprimary health care. ~ There arefive project components: Theproject: (1). Supports rationalizationand improvements to thesystem of maternity and neonatal care. (2).Develops and implementsintegrated ambulance dispatch capability,and upgrades hospitalemergency areas. (3). Improves theaccessibility and quality ofbasic medical services in rural andsmall urban areas, and supportstwo of the most importantactivities included in the Primary CareStrategy recently approvedby the Government--Multipurpose HealthCenters and credit/leaselines for family doctors. (4). Supports thedevelopment of NationalHealth Accounts and the pretion of proposalsfor rationalizationand service development projects. (5).Projectmanagement.Procurement:Works: Works procured under thisproject andfinanced from the Loan will include works for emergencyrooms andworks for MHC. Contracts shall be grouped to the extentpossibleand considering project tives, in package sizes thatwouldencourage competitive bidding. The following methods ofprocurementwill be followed: International Competitive Bidding(ICB):Procedures may be used for procuring works that meet thecriteriaset forth in Section I1 of the Bank guidelines withcontractsestimated to cost above 3,000,000 equivalent. In thecomparison ofbids for works procured through ICB, a domesticpreference wouldnot apply. The IBRD standard bidding documents(SBD) for theprocurement of works, revised May 2004, will be used.NationalCompetitive Bidding (NCB): Procedures may be used forprocuringworks that meet the criteria set forth in graph 3.3 and3.4 of theBank guidelines with contracts estimated to cost below3,000,000equivalent. The ECA regional standard bidding documents(SBD) forNCB Works will be used. Shopping: This procedure may beused forsimple works estimated to cost less than 80,000 percontract. Thisrequires obtaining at least three quotations fromcontractors, incaseserehwother competitive methods are notjustified on thebasis of cost or efficiency. The ECA Regionalsample format forshopping Invitation to Quote available on theECA Procurement WebSite will be applied. Goods: Goods and relatedtechnical servicesconsisting of medical and communicationequipment, etc. shall begrouped to the extent possible andconsidering project tives, inpackage sizes that will encouragecompetitive bidding. Thefollowing methods of procurement will befollowed: InternationalCompetitive Bidding (ICB): Procedures wouldbe used for procuringgoods that meet the criteria set forth inSection I1 of the Bankguidelines with contracts estimated to costabove US$ 300,000equivalent. In the comparison of bids for goodsprocured throughICB, a domestic preference may apply in accordancewith theprovisions of the Procurement Guidelines. The IBRD StandardBiddingDocuments (SBD) for procurement of goods, revised May 2004,will beused. National Competitive Bidding (NCB): Procedures may beusedfor procuring goods that meet the criteria set forth in graph3.3of the Bank guidelines with contracts estimated to cost aboveUS$100,000 equivalent but below 300,000 equivalent. The ECAregionalStandard Bidding Documents (SBD) for NCB Goods will be usedand theconditions applicable for conducting NCB procurementattached tothe Loan Agreement will be followed. Shopping: Thisprocedure maybe used for procurement of off-the-shelf goodsestimated to costless than 80,000 per contract. Shopping, whichrequires obtainingthree quotations, is used here because morecompetitive methods arenot justified on the basis of cost orefficiency. The ECA Regionalsample format for shopping Invitationto Quote available on theECA Procurement Web Site will be applied.Direct Contracting (DC):Direct Contracting would be used, on anexceptional basis, andsubject to the Bank’s prior approval, toprocure proprietaryequipment and spare parts for the existingequipment. CommunityParticipation in Procurement: Items to befinanced undersub-component C.2 of the Project, may be procured inaccordancegraph 3.17 of Guidelines and OM acceptable to the Bank asdescribedbelow (see Special Procurement Applications).



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