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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年07月04日 17:19 商務部網站

戴河、黃金海岸等地游覽的游客。京沈高速公路在撫寧、北戴河、秦皇島、山海關等地設有多處出口,京津地區及東北地區來秦旅游人數將越來越多。預計2002年后,平均每年接待中外游客將達到1200萬人次左右。如果來秦游客中有2%的人到朝鮮民俗村旅游,年可接待游客24萬人次,按平均每人消費50元計算,可創旅游收入1200萬元。而且隨著我國旅游發展以及人們生活水平不斷提高,以后到朝鮮民俗村參觀游覽的人數將會逐年增加。朝鮮民俗村建成后,將是秦皇島地區的旅游亮點和特色品牌,它不但能振興經濟、打造品牌,還可以促進漢朝兩民族之間的相互了解和彼此之間的團結與友誼,弘揚少數民族文化,傳承民間習俗和風土人情,具有良好的社會效益。五、建設條件朝鮮民俗村位于秦皇島市撫寧縣留守營鎮東南部,與南戴河國際娛樂中心接壤,距撫寧縣城14.5公里,距秦皇島市16.5公里。此地距205國道僅5公里,向東輻射山海關、秦皇島和北戴河,近鄰南戴河國際娛樂中心和南戴河休療旅游區,交通便利,地理位置得天獨厚。周圍無工業企業,無任何工業污染源。六、經濟效益分析該項目建成后,年旅游門票、餐飲、娛樂、住宿收入1200萬元,投資回收期6年(含建設期1年)。七、項目承辦方秦皇島市撫寧縣留守營鎮人民政府八、項目進展已完成項目建議書。九、合作方式合資、合作或獨資。十、聯絡方式聯系地址:河北省秦皇島市撫寧縣迎賓路176號招商局聯系人:韓少勇聯系電話:0335-6687429,13930399345傳真:0335-6687429E-mail:fnzsj@0335.net郵 編:066300NO1, Item nameThetraveling developmentsprogram of CHAO XIAN folk villageNO2, ItemcontentsThe firstproject: Building uptown, road and theestablishment offoundation;The second project: Buildingrecreational area,botanical garden area, business district, thespecial food of folkvillage of CHAO XIAN folk village.NO 3: Totalinvestment and fundssource of itemTotal investment of that item isRMB 20 million ,among them: uptown is RMB 7.5 million , businessand food is RMB100 million , special folk botanical garden and isRMB 1.2 million, establishment of foundation is RMB 8 million , theflow funds isRMB 2.3 million .Funds source: The item purveyorintend to providethe land and and part of current foundations, andintend to absorbcapital RMB 1500 ten thousand .NO 4, MarketanalysisThe guestsource of CHAO XIAN folk village rely on thevisitor of citizens inQINHUANGDAO city and other tourist come toQINHUANGDAO, BEIDAIHE,NANDAIHE. The Beijing-Shenyang expressway hasthe exit in FUNING,BEIDAIHE, QINHUANGDAO and SHANHAIGUAN. Thetourists comeQinhuangdao city will more and more. The peoples ofnortheast,Beijing and Tianjin to travel the number to will be moreand more.After 2002 anticipate, there will receive the Chinese andForeignvisitor attain about 1200 every year. If 2% of the personwho visitQinhuangdao arrive the folk village of CHAOXIAN, and thevillagecan receive 240 thousand people, If every person who comehereconsume RMB 50 , the village can income RMB 1.2 million .Andtravel along with the our country development and numberthatpeople life the level continuously increase, the number ofthepeople come to the folk village will increase year by year withthedevelopment of traveling.It will become a bcenter pointandcharacteristic brand in Qinhuangdao city after the folk villageofCHAOXIAN set ups, it not only can develop the economy, buildthebrand, but also can still promote two mutuallyincorporationunderstanding each other between nationality of Manand Han, expandthe culture of national minority, and spread thecustom folks withthe local, and have a good and socialperformance.NO5, DevelopmentstermThe folk village of CHAO XIANlocates in southeast ofLIUSHOUYING town, FUNING county, QINHUANGDAOCity. To FUNING countycity 14.5 kilometers, it is 16.5 kilometerfrom QINHUANGDAO city.It is very near from 205 country ways only 5kilometers, It isadjacent with the traveling place of SHANHAIGUAN,BEIDAIHE,QINHUANGDAO, NANDAIHE. The transportation is convenient,thegeography position is very good. Have no the industrybusinessenterprise Surrounding the village have no any industrialpollution.NO 6, Economic performance analysisAfter the item set upstheincome RMB 1.2 million include the traveling admission,meal,drink. The period of recovery investment is 6 years.( containayear of developments)NO 7, The purveyor of the itemThegovernmentof LIUSHOUYING town, FUNING county, QINHUANGDAO city.NO8, Theprogress of itemHave already completed the suggestion ofitem.NO 9,Way of cooperationJoint venture, cooperation orindividual.NO 10,Contact wayContact address: NO176 YINGBIN road,FUNINGcounty,Qinhuangdao city,Hebei province.Contact person:HanshaoyongTel: 0335-6687429, 13930399345Fax:0335-6687429E-mail:fnzsj@0335.netPost code: 066300(信息來源:秦皇島市撫寧縣地方商務之窗)



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