Project Name: Deep-Processing of Milch Cow ForemilkSerialProductsCooperation Pattern: cooperation, exclusiveinvestment,stockUndertaker: 8511 Farm of Mudanjiang AgriculturalCultivationBranch Bureau of Heilongjiang ProvinceLiaison Person:LiMingPostcode: 158400Tel\Fax:0467-5085238,5085309ConstructionContent: Plan to produce 100 tonsof milk peptide, 15 tons offoremilk butterfat and immunoglobulin.Foremilk serial products arecalled soft gold by nutritionists, andit can increa
se body’simmunity from disease, promote growth anddevelopment, preventaging of middle-aged women, postpone downfallof organism andrestrain pathological changes of cancer.MarketAnalysis: The unithas a 40-year history of breeding milch cow andproducing dairyproducts; also has traditional advantages ofproducing dairyproducts. The amount of milch cow on hand is 60,000,among whichAustrian and Zelanian pure breed milch cow is6000.AnticipatedInvestment and Benefit Analysis:Total Investment:120 million Yuan(RMB)Production Value: 1525 million Yuan(RMB)Profit: 250 millionYuan (RMB)Tax: 55 million Yuan (RMB)