項目編號: GJZB_NO.4535項目名稱: 公共部門現代化項目國 家: 亞美尼亞類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:內部審計咨詢貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3891-AM合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-06-30截止日期:2005-07-12項目介紹:The government of the Republic ofArmenia (RA) hasreceived a credit from the World Bank toward thecost of the PublicSector Modernization Project, and intends toapply part of theproceeds for consultant services. The servicesinclude InternalAudit Consulting Services (devel
opment of auditorstraining andcertification strategy).The Foreign Finance ProjectsManagementCenter of the Ministry of Finance and Economy now inviteseligibleindividual consultant to indicate their interest inproviding theservices.The consultant shall have:· Common knowledgeabout stategovernment system;· Knowledge of internal auditorstandards;·Knowledge of international and local standards of auditandapplication thereof;· Work experience in developedcountries;·Knowledge of international qualification procedure ofauditors andaccountants;· Participation experience in organizing ordevelopingof training programs for auditors or the staff of stateor localself-government bodies responsible for financial andeconomicactivities (accountants, procurement specialists,etc.).Interestedindividual consultant must provide informationindicating that theyare qualified to perform the services(brochures, detion of similarassignments, experience in similarconditions, etc.).An individualconsultant will be selected inaccordance with IndividualConsultant Selection procedures set outin the World Bank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment ofConsultants by World BankBorrowers (published by the Bank inJanuary 1995 and revised inJanuary and August 1996, Septr 1997 andJanuary 1999).Interestedindividual consultants may obtain furtherinformation at theaddress below between 0900 to 1800 hours, localtime.Expressions ofinterest must be delivered to the address belowby 12 July2005.Contact:Ministry of finance and economy, ForeignFinancingProjects Management Center.Attn: Executive Director Mr.R.Harutyunyan.Government house 1, Republic Square.375010,Yerevan,Armenia.Tel: (374-10) 52-34-71.Fax: (374-10)54-57-08.E-mail:info@ffpmc.amNotice Number:WB1921-658/05