項目編號: GJZB_NO.4525項目名稱: 高等教育項目國 家: 越南類 屬: 其他資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:設(shè)備采購、安裝貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3126合同/投標(biāo)號碼:發(fā)布日期:2005-06-29截止日期:2005-08-22項目介紹:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice for this project that appeared in UNDevelopmentBusiness, issue No. 530 dated 16 March 2000.TheSocialist Republicof Viet Nam has received a credit from theInternationalDevelopment Association toward the cost of the HigherEdu
cationProject, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds ofthis loanto payments under the contracts for supply, deliveryandinstallation of equipment for reference rooms, classroomsandpractice rooms:· Contract EEC1.4.1C: Furniture· ContractEEC1.4.2C:Air ConditionerThe National Economics University nowinvites allsealed bids from eligible bidders for supply, deliveryandinstallation of the following (with quantitiesindicated):ContractEEC1.4.1C: Furniture· Item No. 1.1.1: Chair withtable (Doubletable) (3,000)· Item No. 1.1.2: Table for modern classroom (147);Chair for modern class room (147)· Item No. 1.1.3:Server table forteacher (4)· Item No. 1.1.4: Computer table ?2seats (15)· Item No.1.1.5: Working table of staff (18)· Item No.1.1.6: Computer table(200)· Item No. 1.1.7: Foreign language tablefor teacher (2)· ItemNo. 1.1.8: Meeting table (1)· Item No. 1.1.9:Computer table (24)·Item No. 1.1.10: Module computer table (244)·Item No. 1.1.11:Table for hall room (24)· Item No. 1.1.12: Tablefor room ofDepartment chief (30)· Item No. 1.1.13: Reading table inlibrary(160)· Item No. 1.1.14: Foreign languages study tables (60)·ItemNo. 1.1.15: Computer tables (10)· Item No. 1.1.16: Tablereception(3)· Item No. 1.1.17: Computer tables (131)· Item No.1.1.18: Selffor projector (30)· Item No. 1.1.19: Meeting tables(28)· Item No.1.1.20: Multin tables (83)· Item No. 1.1.21: Servertables (2)·Item No. 1.2.1: Computer chairs (460)· Item No. 1.2.2:Chair forforeign languages classroom (62)· Item No. 1.2.3: Chairfor readingroom (403)· Item No. 1.2.4: Chair for room of departmentchief(30)· Item No. 1.2.5: Staff chair (3)· Item No. 1.2.6:Meetingchair (for hall) (1,000)· Item No. 1.2.7: Chairs forconference(56)· Item No. 1.3.1: Locker cabinet (20)· Item No.1.3.2: Shelffor newspapers and magazines (20)· Item No. 1.3.3:Bookshelf inlibrary (100)· Item No. 1.3.4: Document cabinet (10)·Item No.1.3.5: Document cabinet (2)· Item No. 1.3.6: Cabinet forroom ofdept chief (30)· Item No. 1.3.7: Table for delivering speech(40)·Item No. 1.3.8: Table for delivering speech (20)· Item No.1.3.9:Library counter (1)· Item No. 1.3.10: Boards(100)ContractEEC1.4.2C: Air Conditioner· Item No. 2.1: Medium AirConditioner -Tall floor type (30)· Item No. 2.2: Big AirConditioner ?Tall floortype (10)Bidding will be conducted throughthe InternationalCompetitive Bidding Procedures specified in theWorld Bank抯Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDACredits, January1995 (revised January and August 1996, Septr 1997and January 1999)and is open to all bidders from eligible sourcecountries asdefined in the Guidelines and DevelopmentCreditAgreement.Interested eligible bidders may obtainfurtherinformation and inspect the bidding documents at the addressgivenbelow from 0900 to 1100 hours and from 1400 to 1600 hours,duringnormal working days (Monday to Friday):Interested eligiblebidderscan bid for any or both contracts.Bidders must bid for allof theitems within one contract.Bid evaluation and contract awardshallbe made for each individual contract.A complete set ofbiddingdocuments in English may be purchased by interested bidderson thesubmission of a written application to the address below anduponpayment of a nonrefundable fee of US$ 50 (fifty US dollars)orequivalent in VND. The method of payment will be in cash,certifiedcheck or direct deposit to National Economics University抯accountnumber 431101.06.000008 at the Viet Nam Bank for AgricultureandRural Development, Hanoi Southern, Transaction Department No.06.Documents will be sent via airmail courier for overseasdeliveryand regular mail for local delivery. Bidders who wish toreceivebidding documents through courier services should submitanadditional amount of US$ 50 (fifty US dollars) foroverseasdelivery.Bids must be delivered to the address below at orbefore1000 hours on 22 August 2005 and must be accompanied by abidsecurity of:· US$ 10,000 (ten thousand US dollars) forContractEEC1.4.1C: Furniture· US$ 5,000 (five thousand US dollars)forContract EEC1.4.2C: Air ConditionerLate bids will be rejected.Bidswill be opened at 1000 hours on 22 August 2005 in the presenceofbidders?representatives who choose to attend in the SecondFloorRoom, Building 10 of the address below:Contact:Contact person:Ms.Nguyen Hien Le.National Economics University.The HigherEducationSub-Project Management Unit.Room 101, Building No. 11.207GiaiPhong Road.Hai Ba Trung District.Hanoi Capital, VietNam.Tel:(84-4) 869-9425.Fax: (84-4) 869-9425.E-mail:hep@neu.edu.vnNoticeNumber:WB1895-658/05